[SESprint] Needed: One More Team Member for NAQP RTTY Tomorrow

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Feb 21 09:48:37 EST 2014

Anyone else want to join a terrific team for NAQP RTTY tomorrow?  We 
have WB2RHM, W4UK, W4OC, and W5EW.  Needed one more for a full team.  No 
need to be a member of SECC or to live and operate within any circle.  
Just want to participate as a team mate in NAQP RTTY.  If I get more 
than one volunteer, we'll have other teams, as well.  I want to register 
the team(s) by late Friday or early Saturday.  Please advise by e-mail 
ASAP to include approximately how much time you can devote to the 
contest (10 hour maximum) and whether you will be running LP or QRP.  
Many thanks.


John, K4BAI
President, South East Contest Club

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