[SESprint] Southeast Sprint Coalition Team(s) for NAQP CW Saturday Night

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Feb 3 13:34:58 EST 2015

Hello all:  The NCJ North American Sprint CW Contest is Saturday night, 
0000-0359Z Sunday UTC date.  Teams can be registered from two to ten 
members.  To be competitive, we need to be near the ten limit.  So, our 
local clubs aren't likely to provide that many for each club alone.  If 
we combine our efforts for the region, we should be able to get up one 
or two competitive teams.  So, please let me know if you would like to 
be on a Southeast Sprint Coalition team for the NA Sprint CW this 
weekend.  Invite your friends.  Geography isn't a requirement nor is 
membership in any group.  I look forward to hearing from you.  The guys 
who worked the SSB Sprint last Saturday will tell you how much fun it is 
when there is a lot of participation.  73, John, K4BAI.

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