[SESprint] Claimed Scores Needed for Team Members from NAQP CW.

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Aug 9 15:05:40 EDT 2016

I have 3 calls from SECC-GCG and ACG teams for NAQP CW that I don't find 
scores for on 3830 yet.  For my mid-week report that I hope to get out 
tomorrow, please send me your claimed scores if you were QRV.  I know 
that Greg, K4NO, was QRV.

 From SECC #1 W5JR and NM2L.
 From SECC #2 WH6YH.
 From ACG #2 K4NO.

Also, I am getting up teams for NAQP SSB on August 20.  Who will join 
N4EWT on a team or teams?

And, for the first Saturday after Labor Day, I am getting up teams for 
CW Open.  Who will join N4IQ and K4BAI?

Let me hear from you ASAP.  Thanks and 73, John, K4BAI.

Note that there is a club aggregate score competition in the Worked All 
Europe contests.  CW weekend is this coming weekend. So, be sure to show 
your club in your Cabrillo header.  For SECC, always spell it out as 
"South East Contest Club."

73, John.

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