[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Aug 25 15:45:17 EDT 2016

Late received score:

RSGB Islands on the Air Contest
WX4SKY    0    0   188    24  19,008  SO24SSB HP  24  GA  GCG

Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:

1.  NCJ North American QSO Party, SSB               Team
N4OX    969  184  178,296  SO LP   10     FL  ACG
K4BAI   779  170  132,430  SO LP   10     GA  SECC  SECC
N9DFD   413  111   45,843  SO LP    7:30  GA  GCG   GCG#2
WX4SKY  387   81   31,347  SO LP    7     GA  GCG
N9GQA   324   96   31,104  SO LP   10     GA  GCG   GCG#1
WU0B    282  100   28,200  M/2 LP  _____  SC
W4KTR   302   84   25,368  SO LP    5     GA  GCG
WN4AFP  288   87   25,056  SO LP   _____  SC  SFCG  SFCG
N2WF    266   87   23,142  SO LP    8.9   GA  GCG
K4WI    314   72   22,608  SO LP    4     AL  ACG
N4ZZ    245   76   18,620  SO LP    1:48  TN  ACG
WA1F    215   84   18,060  M/2 LP   5:32  GA  GCG  Ops: WA1F WA1S
AD8J    216   69   14,904  SO LP    2:52  NC  SECC
K4VBM   157   75   11,775  SO LP   10     GA  GCG   GCG#1
KR4NO   162   68   11,016  SO LP    6     SC
KB5JC   143   64    9,152  SO LP    7     GA  GCG   GCG#1
AJ5E    129   65    8,385  SO LP    6.5   SC  SFCG
W4ANT   107   64    6,848  SO LP   _____  SC  SFCG  SFCG
N4VDL   122   52    6,344  SO LP   _____  GA  GCG   GCG#2
K4AMA   107   58    6,206  SO LP    6     SC  SFCG
K4NV    148   41    6,068  SO LP    1     GA  GCG   GCG#1
K4UN    105   50    5,250  SO LP    6     NC  GCG   GCG#1
N4VZ     94   53    4,982  SO LP    4     SC  SFCG  SFCG
K4WDR   100   40    4,000  SO QRP _____   GA
N4EWT    15   15      225  SO LP    2     GA  SECC  SECC

Team Scores:
SECC  132,655
GCG#1  63,349
GCG#2  52,187
SFCG   45.281

Remember that there will be team competition (2 to 10 members per team) 
in the CWOpen Contest in early September.  Please e-mail me if you can 
be on a SECC team for that one.  So far, I have N4IQ, K4BAI, AD8J, KU8E, 
N4EWT, and K8LBQ.  Thanks.

2.  Flying Pigs QRP Club August Run for the Bacon
K4BAI  29  23  1,610  SO QRP  2.0  GA  SECC
AB9CA  21  19  1,121  SO QRP  ___  AL  SECC

3.  Russian District Award (RDA) Contest
K4BAI  36  35  12,600  SO AB CW HP  1:14  GA  SECC

4.  CVA DX Contest, CW
K4BAI  33  16  2,142  SO AB HP  1.5  GA  SECC

5.  NCCC NS Sprint, 8/19/16
WB4AFP  11  11  121  SO LP   0.5  SC  SFCG
K1GU     9   8   72  SO QRP  0.5  NC  TCG

6.  SARTG RTTY Contest
N4VZ   143  83  146,495  SO AB HP    8     SC  SFCG
K7OM   151  77  128,978  SO AB HP    6:38  SC  SFCG
AA4CF   25  17    4,760  SO SB/20 HP 1.0   GA  GCG

7.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 8/24/16, 1300Z
AD8J   115  89  10,235  SO HP   1.0   NC  SECC
W4NZ   105  85   8,925  SO HP   0:52  TN  TCG   SO2R
N4ZZ    73  61   4,453  SO LP   1.0   TN  ACG
WN4AFP  69  59   4,071  SO LP   1.0   SC  SFCG
K1GU    70  56   3,920  SO HP   0.9   TN  TCG
NN4K    47  40   1,880  SO HP   1.0   GA  SECC
K4JAZ   47  39   1,833  SO LP   1.0   AL  SECC
K1DC    41  37   1,517  SO LP   1.0   AL  ACG
N5TOO   37  31   1,147  SO LP   1.0   GA  GCG
KI4MZC  29  25     725  SO QRP  ____  GA

8.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 8/24/16, 1900Z
K1GU   111  92  10,767  SO HP   1.0   TN  TCG
AD8J   110  86   9,460  SO HP   1.0   NC  SECC
K4BAI  102  76   7,752  SO HP   1.0   GA  SECC
NN4K    52  44   2,288  SO HP   1.0   GA  SECC
K4HR    45  39   1,755  SO HP   1.0   SC  SECC
K4JAZ   36  33   1,188  SO LP   1.0   AL  SECC
KI4MZC  20  18     360  SO QRP  ____  GA
WN4AFP  15  15     225  SO LP   0:14  SC  SFCG

9.  Straight Key Century Club August Week Day Sprint
AI4UN   32  25  1,070  SO LP   GA      GCG
K4ZGB   29  19    801  SO LP   AL      ACG
AK4NY   16  13    378  SO LP   GA
N4API   12  10    310  SO LP   GA
K4JPN   15  11    295  SO QRP  GA
N4RAY   13  10    265  SO QRP  AL
KB0ETU   9   9    196  SO QRP  AL
KI4MZC   4   4     56  SO QRP  GA

10.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 8/25/16, 0300Z
AD8J   109  85  9,265  SO HP   1.0  NC  SECC
K4BAI  106  73  7,738  SO HP   1.0  GA  SECC
KU8E    97  71  6,887  SO HP   1.0  GA  GCG
K1GU    82  73  5,986  SO HP   1.0  TN  TCG
K1DC    36  33  1,188  SO LP   1.0  AL  ACG
NN4K    25  25    625  SO HP   1.0  GA  SECC
N4YA    24  22    528  SO HP   0.5  GA  GCG
K4EOR   11  11    121  SO LP   0.5  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  QRP Fox Hunt.  0100-0230Z Friday (Thursday night local date).  Two 
QRP Foxes will be calling betweeen 14050 and 14070 kHz.  Run no more 
than 5W. Work only the two foxes.  Do not spot the foxes' frequencies. 
Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  The two foxes are N0UR, JIM, MN and 
K4FB, PAUL, FL.  We should have a good shot from this area to MN and 
will be very lucky if we can work Paul in FL at that hour on 20M.

2.  NCCC RTTY Sprint.  0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local date). 
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  Look around 080 kHz and up from 1805 kHz. 
100W maximum power.  One/one kHz QSY rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, 
name, SPC.  Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO.

3.  NCCC NS Sprint.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local date).  15, 
20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  Look around 040 kHz and up from 1815 kHz.  100W 
maximum power.  One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, 
SPC.  No same band dupes permitted.

4.  Hawaii QSO Party.  0400Z Sat to 0400Z Mon.  160-10M CW, Ph, RTTY, 
PSK.  Maximum time for single ops is 18 hours.  Exchange:  RS(T) + 
S/P/DX or HI ID.  See rules for mult list.

5.  Keyman's Club of Japan Contest.  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sunday.  160-6M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + Continent abbreviation or JA Prefecture/district 
code.  Work only Japanese stations.

6.  SCC RTTY Championship.  1200Z Sat to 1159Z Sun.  80-10M RTTY. 
Exchange:  RST + 4 digit year first licensed.  Work everyone.

7.  W/VE Islands QSO Party.  1200Z Sat to 0300Z Sun.  160-6M.  CW, Ph, 
Dig.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or USI/CISA Island Designation.

8.  YO DX HF Contest (Romania).  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun.  80-10M CW, 
SSB.  Exchange:  RS(T) + serial # or YO county.

9.  Kansas QSO Party.  1400Z Sat to 0200Z Sun; 1400-2000Z Sun.  80-6M 
CW, SSB, Dig.  Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or KS county.

10.  Ohio QSO Party.  1600Z Sat to 0400Z Sun.  80-10M CW, SSB. Exchange: 
  RS(T) + S/P/DX or Ohio County.

11.  CVA DX Contest, SSB.  2100Z Sat to 2100Z Sun.  80-10M SSB. 
Exchange:  We send RS + "DX."  They send RS + UF or type.  UF apparently 
is Brazilian county.  Type may include MIL (for military), QRP, YL, 
Club, Member, etc.  Rules are in Portuguese, so I am not sure about 
them.  I suspect we can work anybody, but on CW it seemed that it was 
Brazil vs the world except for some "Member" or MIL stations outside 
Brazil, but also in South America.

12.  South African Radio League HF CW Contest.  1300Z to 1630Z Sun.  80, 
40, 20M CW.  Exchange:  RST + serial #.  Work only ZR or ZS stations.

13.  Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date.  0230-0259Z Wed UTC 
date.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M SSB.  100W maximum power.  No QSY rule. 
Exchange:  Name + SPC.  Mults count per band.  You can use your logging 
program for NAQP SSB to log this one.

14.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Every Wednesday.  Three separate 
one-hour mini-tests.  1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date).  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # or SPC.  Look around 027 - 042 kHz on 
bands other than 160 and from about 1815 to 1830 kHz on 160M.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.  There should be 
something for every contester this weekend.  73, John, K4BAI.

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