[SESprint] CWOpen Team(s)

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Aug 31 15:24:19 EDT 2016

I am going to register teams for the CWOpen this Saturday.  There are 
three separate four-hour sessions.  0000-0359Z, 1200-1559Z, and 
2000-2359Z.  Bands are 160 - 10M CW.  Exchange is serial # and name.

We can register teams of from two to ten members.  I will register at 
least one for South East Contest Club.  Already, I have six:  N4IQ, 
K4BAI, KU8E, AD8J, N4EWT, and NN4K.  I'd like to have four more for a 
full team and even additional teams.  You don't need to be a member of 
any particular club or live or operate in any specific geographical area 
to be on a team. The more people we have committed to teams, the more 
activity we are likely to have, and therefore the more fun for everyone. 
  Please let me know if you would like to be on a team.  Also, let me 
know what power level you intend to use and approximately how much time 
you expect to be QRV.

Thanks and 73, John, K4BAI.

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