[SESprint] K4BAI QRP Fox Hunt Announcement, Thursday Night, 2/4/16

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Feb 3 21:31:44 EST 2016

Bert:  I use a paper log when I am a hound.  The scoring is done from 
the fox logs that are posted for criticism and then made final.  So, as 
a hound, you can keep your usual daily log.  The foxes use N1MM+ mostly, 
which has a module for it.  I actually use the old NA logging program, 
using the QRPARCI contest module.  I have to add the names in the 
Cabrillo log since there is no place for names in the QRPARCI.  I find 
the N1MM+ to be too complicated for me.  I'm back in the last century, I 
guess.  I think N3FJP and W3KM may also have a module that will work for 
the foxes.

The format that you will see when the foxes post their logs is like this:

0100 N4CW 579 NC 5W

I don't know any program that produces it that way, so you have to 
transcribe it into the text of a message.  I suppose you could select 
columns from a Cabrillo or other text file to delete and leave the ones 
they want.  I don't really know how to do that on a computer, but I 
suppose it is possible.

Did this answer your question?  I'd start as a hound, which is not 
complicated.  Before each season, a message is sent out on the qfox 
reflector saying you can apply to be selected as a fox and a form is 
completed from the QRP Fox Home Page.  By that time, you may have an 
idea of how you want to log it as a fox.  Paper is perfectly all right, 
but I prefer to use the logging program with the logging keys, but you 
can get the same result from the memory keyer.  I guess the logging 
program does tell you immediately if a hound has duped you.  In that 
case, you would show only one of the QSOs in your posted log.  Also, you 
would delete any QSOs with stations who are running more than 5 watts.

73, John.

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