[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests.
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Thu Feb 18 15:37:17 EST 2016
Some Scores Received Late:
Foc Marathon.
K2UFT 307 413 LP Restricted 8:25 GA SECC
WA1FCN 450 702 LP AL ACG
CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/10/16, 1900Z
WN4AFP 23 22 506 SO QRP .75 SC SFCG
NAQCC February Sprint
K4BAI 41 22 3,432 SO QRP HK GAIN 2.0 GA SECC
AA4NN 31 16 1,416 SO QRP Bug GAIN SC SECC
AK4NY 21 13 819 SO QRP BUg SWA GA
AB4QL 22 16 704 SO QRP Keyer SWA AL
K4JPN 13 11 572 SO QRP HK SWA GA
KJ4R 10 9 180 SO QRP Keyer SWA SC
W2BJN 10 8 160 SO QRP Keyer SWA AL
KB0ETU 7 6 84 SO QRP Keyer SWA AL
KJ3V 5 5 50 SO QRP Keyer SWA AL
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/11/16, 0300Z
KU8E 120 84 10,080 SO HP 0:55 GA SECC SO2R
AD8J 104 82 8,528 SO HP 1.0 NC SECC
K4HR 54 42 2,268 SO HP 1.0 SC
NN4K 52 42 2,184 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K1GU/4 42 42 1,764 SO QRP 1.0 FL TCG
N5TOO 45 39 1,755 SO LP 1.0 GA GCG
WA8HSB 21 21 441 SO QRP 0.75 AL ACG
AK4NY 18 18 324 SO LP 0:30 GA
K4JAZ 12 12 144 SO LP 0:15 AL SECC
2. NCCC NS Ladder, 2/12/16
K4BAI 51 40 2,040 SO LP 0:28 GA SECC
W4OC 50 38 1,900 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
W4NZ 42 34 1,428 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
KY4F 40 28 1,120 SO LP 0.5 AL ACG
N3ZL 10 9 90 SO LP 0:09 NC SECC
3. Straight Key Century Club February Weekend Sprintathon
KG6MC 191 59 13,594 HP SC
AI4UN 122 42 6,714 LP GA GCG
KK4WX 86 43 5,563 LP GA
N4API 36 21 1,604 LP GA
AK4NY 43 22 1,551 LP GA
KK4UOE 25 22 1,250 LP GA
W4FOA 28 18 994 LP GA
N4RAY 23 18 809 LP AL
KE4WKH 25 18 760 QRP AL
W4TMW 14 11 434 LP GA
KV4RH 11 11 281 QRP SC
K4BAI 9 8 157 HP 0:31 GA SECC
K4JPN 5 5 80 QRP GA
4. Dutch PACC Contest
Call CWQ PhQ Mul
W4IX 235 0 53 12,455 SO CW LP 11 SC SFCG
K2SX 35 0 22 770 SO CW HP 1.5 SC SECC
4. Phone Fray, 2/17/16
AD8J 18 17 306 SO LP 0.5 NC SECC
K4WTR 17 12 204 SO LP 0.5 AL
5. CQ World Wide WPX Contest, RTTY
NN4MM 1430 640 2,323,840 M/S HP 40 AL ACG At W4HOD
W4UK 973 455 991,445 SO AB HP 22 SC SECC
WA1FCN 691 382 835,816 SOSB/40LP 30 AL ACG
K7OM 552 295 376,715 SO AB HP 22:02 SC SFCG
NJ4F 443 261 292,581 SO AB LP 10 SC SFCG
KG4IGC 486 268 292,120 M/S LP 17:48 SC SFCG
KM4JA 325 203 173,768 SO AB LP 12.5 AL ACG
KY4F 351 205 170,355 SO AB LP 11 AL ACG
K4GO 270 195 143,520 SO AB HP 14 GA
N9DFD 229 176 101,024 SO AB LP 8:15 GA GCG
K4HAL 308 186 100,812 SO AB HP 8 AL ACG
KS4YX 268 177 100,713 SO AB LP 10 SC SFCG
NA4W 107 80 17,680 SOSB/10LP 5 AL ACG By K4WI
WA8HSB 6 6 48 SOSB/20QRP 0.2 AL ACG
6. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/18/16, 1300Z
K1GU 118 88 10,384 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
AD8J 102 79 8,058 SO HP 0:55 NC SECC
NN4K 60 45 2,700 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K4JAZ 47 36 1,692 SO LP 1.0 AL SECC
N5TOO 38 35 1,330 SO LP 0.9 GA GCG
7. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/18/16, 1900Z
AD8J 118 83 9,749 SO HP 1.0 NC SECC
W4IX 100 79 7,900 SO LP 1.0 SC SFCG
K1GU 98 77 7,546 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
NN4K 43 43 1,849 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
N5TOO 42 36 1,512 SO LP 1.0 GA GCG
K4JAZ 43 32 1,376 SO LP 1.0 AL SECC
KI4MZC 27 23 621 SOQRP 1.0 GA
8. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/19/16, 0300Z
AD8J 114 92 10,488 SO HP 1.0 NC SECC
W4IX 111 84 9,324 SO LP 1.0 SC SFCG
KU8E 106 83 8,798 SO HP 0:52 GA SECC SO2R
K1GU 104 80 8,320 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
NN4K 51 44 2,244 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K4HR 51 42 2,142 SO HP 1.0 SC SECC
N5TOO 46 41 1,886 SO LP 1.0 GA GCG
K4JAZ 12 12 144 SO LP 0:15 AL SECC
Welcome to SECC's newest member, Davy, K4HR in SC.
Congrats to AD8J for breaking 10,000 points in CWT.
Also, NN4K's 60 QSO total might be a high QSO total in CWT for Mac.
It was nice to see several of our score regulars in Orlando for the
contest dinner, HamCation, and ARRL National Convention last weekend.
K3LB won the main prize at the contest dinner!
This Week's Contests:
Of course, the big one this week for CW operators is ARRL DX CW. There
is a club aggregate score competition, so be sure to include your club
in the Cabrillo header of your log. There is a 175-mile radius circle
requirement. If there is any doubt about your location being inside or
outside the circle, you can find the circles on the club webpage. Two
SECC members, K4UEE and W6IZT, will be part of a low power multi
operator operation as PJ6A from the Dutch Caribbean. Hope everyone can
be in the contest and have fun this weekend.
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint. 0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local date).
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. 1 kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, Name, SPC. Mults count per band, not per
contest. Look around 080 kHz plus up from 1850 kHz. Same band
duplicates are permitted after one intervening QSO.
2. QRP Fox Hunt 80M. 0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday night local date).
Two QRP Foxes will be hiding between 3550 and 3570 kHz. 5W maximum
power. Do not spot the foxes' frequencies. Exchange; RST, SPC, Name,
Power. Work only the two foxes who will be N1IX, DAVE, NH and K0DTJ,
BRIAN, CA. This is a good chance to get a long distance two-way QRP QSO
on 80M.
3. NCCC NS Ladder Series. 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 0230-0259Z Friday
(Thursday night local date). 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look around 040 kHz and up from
1815 kHz. No same band dupes permitted.
4. ARRL International DX Contest, CW. This one is US and Canada work
the world. We do not work other US/VE stations (for credit) and DX
stations do not work other DX stations for credit. 48 hours of Saturday
and Sunday UTC. 160-10M CW. Exchange for US/VE: RST + SPC. For DX
stations: RST + power. Club aggregate score competition. This is a
good chance for US/VE stations to almost "be DX" since DX stations may
work only US/VE stations. (I recommend keeping a record of any US/VE
stations that you do work just in case they request a QSL. Be courteous
to any such stations who may call you as they are probably trying to
help you out, but are not familiar with the contest rules. And besides,
you may want them to call in the next contest, such as your state QSO
party or a WPX contest.
5. Colorado QRP Club Winter QSO Party. 0110-0259Z Monday (Sunday night
local date). 80, 40, 20M CW. Near the usual QRP frequencies. Exchange:
RST + SPC + serial #. (Note that the exchange is different from past
years when CQC# or power was required rather than serial #. Seems like
they once required an abbreviation for your type of antenna too.) 5W
maximum power. They recommend calling "CQ W." (for Winter). Not
usually a lot of activity in this one and a poor choice of dates. Bonus
points for QSOs with W0CQC and N0CQC (if only someone will put those
calls on the air).
6. Flying Pigs QRP Club February Run for the Bacon. 0200-0400Z Monday
(Sunday night local date). 5W maximum power. 160-10M CW. Exchange: RST
+ SPC + FP# or power. There will be more activity in this one than in
the CQC test.
7. Straight Key Century Club February Week Day Sprint. 0000-0200Z
Wednesday (Tuesday night local date). 160-10M CW. Use a mechanical
key. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + SKCCQ# or "NONE." Bonus station
will be AJ4SB.
8. QRP Fox hunt. 40M. Tuesday night. Same rules as for the 80M hunts
on Thursdays except that the frequencies are 7030-7050 kHz and the two
foxes are N0UR, JIM, MN and NC4RT, Randy, NC. Randy may be too close
for us (but maybe not) and Jim in MN should be easier. I'd try to work
Randy first before the band goes longer if you can hear him at the
start. Don't forget that sometimes the band will shorten up toward the
end, so it may pay to come back or stay until the end.
9. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night. 0230-0259Z Wednesday. 15, 20, 40,
80, 160M SSB. 100W maximum power. Exchange: Name + SPC. You can use
your NA QSO Party logging module. Mults count per band. No QSY rule.
10. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday. Three separate
one-hour mini-tests. 1300Z, 1900Z and 0300Z (Thursday UTC date).
160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Look around 025 to 042 kHz.
If you will participate in some of the regular week day contests, such
as CWT or Phone Fray, or NCCC NS or NCCC RTTY, I can almost guarantee
that your operating ability and scores in the regular weekend contests
will benefit. You will often see a tangible increase most weeks over
the previous and you will find a good group of contesters whom you will
enjoy working over and over again.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and makes a lot of QSOs,
particularly in ARRL DX CW. It was very good to get to visit with so
many of you in Orlando last weekend. You might want to plan to attend
the Southern Contest Dinner there next year. I purchased and had
autographed a copy of Jim George (N3BB)'s new book about WRTC 2014 in
Boston, "Contact Sport." You can order it from Amazon and most other
book sellers. I haven't finished it yet, but I am enjoying it
thoroughly. Jim also has a novel called "Reunion" which features kids
growing up in WV as ham radio operators as a portion of the class that
gathers for a reunion many years later. I have read that took and
heartily endorse it also. It is also available from Amazon. (Be
careful though, as there are other books with the same title.)
73, John, K4BAI.
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