[SESprint] NAQP Team Registration - Today

John Unger w4au at verizon.net
Sat Jan 9 10:44:47 EST 2016

Hi John -

Thanks for setting up the teams; I hope that conditions cooperate.

Also, congratulations for your fine showing in the Thursday Night Sprint 
this week!

73 - John, W4AU

On 1/9/2016 9:43 AM, John Laney wrote:
> Hello all:  Here are the team registrations for today's NAQP CW.  
> Thanks to you all for participating with us.  The teams were 
> determined by the amount of time you said you could devote to the 
> contest and, secondarily, when I heard from you.  I could make changes 
> if I had time and knew about them before the contest starts, but we 
> are going to a grandson's basketball game this morning and will 
> probably have lunch with family members afterward.  I will try to 
> check e-mails before the contest starts if there are any last minute 
> changes, but I can't promise I will have the time. After the list of 
> team members below, I will make some suggestions about operating the 
> contest which you may consider or disregard. Please do not change the 
> call you use and use the call as registered (unless I made a typo, of 
> course).  Please post your score to 3830 after the contest as soon as 
> you can conveniently do so.  There will be a pull down chart for you 
> to select the name of your team.  You may show your "home" club, but 
> anyone is welcome to show your club as "South East Contest Club" if 
> you have no other club to promote. There is no club aggregate score 
> competition in this contest.
> Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
> Team Name: SECC#1
> Team Members:
> AD8J
> W4AU
> K7SV
> Registration recorded at: 2016-01-09 13:45:13Z
> Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
> Team Name: SECC#2
> Team Members:
> N4TB
> KZ5D
> N4XL
> Registration recorded at: 2016-01-09 13:46:47Z
> Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
> Team Name: SECC#3
> Team Members:
> KU8E
> K5ZM
> K9OM
> KN4Y
> Registration recorded at: 2016-01-09 13:48:00Z
> Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
> Team Name: SECC#4
> Team Members:
> K2SX
> NM2L
> N3ZL
> NJ8J
> Registration recorded at: 2016-01-09 13:49:02Z
> Note that we are all in the Southeastern USA area generally except 
> Ian, K5ZM, who is in OR, but has operated at the NQ4I M/M in GA often 
> in the past.  The rest of us are from VA to FL and out to LA.  I have 
> noted other teams from our are sponsored by GCG and ACG and, for your 
> information, will list those teams below. There is also one from the 
> Deep Dixie Contest Club in MS, but I failed to note their members.  I 
> do remember that WB5EIN is the captain and N4OGW is on the team.
> From ACG:  WA1FCN, N4KH, K4WI, KS4L, K4IQJ.
> All these team members should guarantee that there will be a lot of 
> activity from this area and increase the opportunities for each of us 
> to make QSOs and mults.
> Remember that maxiumum power is 100W.  The contest starts at 1800Z (1 
> PM EST) and goes until 0600Z (1 AM EST).  You can operate only 10 
> hours out of the 12.  Your off periods must equal 30 minutes (after 
> you start. You may start at any time.  Don't worry about off periods 
> before you start.  Only between the start and end of your operating).  
> When I say 30 minutes, you need to keep in mind that means 30 full 
> minutes.  Some of your logging programs may allow you to restart after 
> 29 minutes and some seconds, but the seconds don't count for contest 
> purposes.  As an illustration, if you make your last QSO before an off 
> time at 2100Z, do not make your first QSO after the off time at 2130Z 
> because, if you do, you have taken off only 29 minutes.  Wait until 
> the 31st minute, 2131Z to make your next QSO.
> Multipliers count per band. So, you may be asked to QSY to another 
> band for someone who needs you or your multiplier on the other band. 
> This is very for those who are SO2R.  I am not SO2R at the present, 
> but can easily QSY to any other band upon request (with the possible 
> exception of 160M when sometimes I might have to change the feed 
> system to the 80M antenna to go there).  So, I usually try to comply 
> with such requests and always try when I also need the mult on the 
> other band.  You may want to ask other stations to QSY to a band where 
> you need them as a mult.  Unless the other station is operated by a 
> close friend or is a M/2 or SO2R station, it is usually useless to ask 
> someone you have called when you are S&P to QSY.  The run station 
> usually doesn't want to stop his run to accommodate you.  So, it is 
> much more likely that a S&P station will agree to QSY to another band 
> at your request.  Some won't or can't, so don't be offended if it is 
> refused.  There will also be a few in the contest who don't seem to be 
> able to understand your request or have their computer set up in such 
> a way that they can't send anything but CQ and their exchange. So, 
> don't waste a lot of time on stations who are not immediately 
> responsive.  But, you should be set up with a keyboard or a paddle so 
> you can respond to and make such requests yourself.
> The exchange for North American stations is Name and State, Province, 
> or North American country.  For stations outside NA, it is only Name.  
> My logging program requires something in the QTH space before I can go 
> on to the next line, so I will type in "DX" or the DXCC prefix for the 
> station on another continent and then remove that from the Cabrillo 
> file.  It is probably OK to leave that in your Cabrillo file, but I 
> delete it.  I make a pen and paper note of each such QSO so I can find 
> them easily when the Cabrillo file is created.
> If you can, listen or operate on the CW bands for a half hour or so 
> before 1800Z and get a feel for conditions and what bands would be 
> good to start on.
> Because ten meters may not be open much due to the current propagation 
> conditions on that band, it is a good idea to start on ten if it is 
> open at all.  Your best run rates in the afternoon will probably be on 
> 20 meters.  (Different for K5ZM on the west coast.)  I try to run on 
> 20M during the afternoon, but check and work whomever I can on 10M on 
> the hour and 15M on the half hour as long as those bands are open.  
> You may be surprised to find that QSYs to an apparently dead band such 
> as 10, 15 and 20 at night will be successful even if the band are 
> otherwise empty.  You may want to select a QSY frequency that is high 
> in the band or low in the band to avoid a quick QSY on top of another 
> strong station.
> You may want to go to 40M fairly early (2200-2230Z) to get more local 
> multipliers just in case the skip is long later.
> You may find that stations don't QSY to 160M as early as that band is 
> open.  A quick QSY to that band is OK any time, but what I mean is 
> that you may not find a lot of stations running on 160M as early as 
> the band could be used for that purpose.  So, the best times for 160M 
> seem to be fairly late in the contest period, say 0330Z.  Some 
> stations seem to go to 160M on the half hour beginning about 0300Z.
> I try to run on the most productive band with a check back on the 
> higher bands or down to the lower bands on the half hour so I don't 
> miss multipliers on those bands.
> Operate as much as you can conveniently do so and have a lot of fun.  
> Good luck to all.
> 73, John, K4BAI
> For SECC.
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