[SESprint] Results August 2015 NA Sprint SSB

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Mar 23 08:07:16 EDT 2016

See the message below for a link to NA Sprint SSB August 2015 results 
and an heads' up for the next one on April 3.  This will be Saturday 
night the weekend before the GQP.  I will register team(s) for this one, 
so let me know if you are interested.  BTW, my certificate was for #2, 
GA.  Congrats to Brian, N4OO, for being #1 in GA and to Jeff, KU8E, for 
being a close third.  Note that our Southeast Sprint Coalition #1 team 
came in Second among team scores.  Congrats to all members and also to 
SECC#2 which had a respectable showing.  73, JOhn, K4BAI.

*You have an award certificate available.*

Dear K4BAI,

The results of the August 2015 North American SSB Sprint have been 
published on our website at  Congratulations! You have earned an award 
certificate which you can download by clicking on the following link:

*Download certificate for K4BAI. 

Don't forget! The next event is *April 3, 2016* 0000-0400 UTC (That's 
Saturday evening April 2, local time). Check the ssbsprint.com website 
for more details and to notify us of your "plans to participate." We 
need to be sure that all states and provinces are QRV again for this event!

Best regards,
Bob Hayes, KW8N, for the NA SSB Sprint Contest Committee

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