[SESprint] Youth Intersted in Ham Radio Contesting

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Mar 23 15:44:01 EDT 2016

Kudos to Stan, K5GO, for going public on the "youth in contesting" issue 
with his conversation with editor, Brian, N9ADG, in the ARRL Contest 
Update, March 23, 2016 issue.  Stan is a member of the CAC subcommittee, 
along with W1UE, W0GJ, K4ZA, and NA0N, studying the "Youth in 
Contesting" issue.


Check out Stan's article in the CONVERSATION Section, "Contesting needs 
you...to share your station with new contesters!"  In this piece, Stan 
spells out some interesting ideas and methods for getting "potential new 
contesters" involved in a contest at your station.

As part of the CAC subcommittee's work, they are collecting any leads 
about how and where "youth" are involved in contesting, so if you know 
of any, please let Stan or any of the subcommittee members know.

73, George, K5KG
CAC Chairman

George Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL

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