[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Wed Aug 2 15:46:31 EDT 2017
Late Received Score:
CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 7/26/17, 1300Z
KC4HW 31 31 961 SO LP 0:45 AL ACG
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint, 7/28/17
KC4HW 14 8 112 SO LP 0.5 AL ACG
N4EEV 7 5 35 SO LP 0:18 GA SECC
2. NCCC NS Sprint, 7/28/17
K4BAI 51 37 1,887 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
W4NZ 34 26 884 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
N4EEV 27 17 459 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
W4ER 6 5 30 SO QRP 0.3 AL ACG
3. RSGB Islands On The Air Contest
K4BAI 451 110 82 29 514,995 SO/24 Mix HP 17:41 GA SECC
AD8J 117 41 30 15 79,002 SO/12 Mix HP 5:32 NC SECC
KU8E 159 27 0 0 30,510 SO/12 CW LP _____ GA SECC
4. Adventure Radio Society Flight of the Bumblebees
K4BAI 45 3,780 SO QRP NonBB 4.0 GA SECC
5. Phone Fray, 8/2/17
K4BAI 30 27 810 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
W1GKT 17 14 238 SO LP 0.5 AL
6. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 8/2/17, 1300Z
N4ZZ 133 102 13,566 SO LP 1.0 TN ACG SO2R
W4BQF 131 100 13,100 SO HP 1.0 GA
K1GU 106 103 10,918 SO HP 0.9 TN TCG
N4IQ 108 96 10,368 SO HP 1.0 SC SFCG SO2R
AD8J 95 85 8,075 SO HP 1.0 NC SECC
K2SX 95 77 7,315 SO HP 1.0 SC SECC
NN4K 75 57 3,705 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
N5TOO 61 57 3,477 SO LP 1.0 GA GCG
K4JAZ 52 46 2,392 SO LP 1.0 AL ACG
N4DT 29 29 841 SO QRP 1.0 SC
KI4MZC 29 28 812 SO QRP ____ GA
KC4HW 27 27 729 SO LP 0:38 AL ACG
KT4XN 27 25 675 SO LP 1.0 VA
K4HR 18 18 196 SO HP 0:20 SC SECC
WD4EXI 13 13 169 SO QRP 1.0 GA
W4ER 12 11 132 SO QRP 0.2 AL ACG
Last weekend was a light contest weekend because it was the fifth full
weekend in July. The IOTA contest always drops back to the last weekend
and not the fourth weekend. That opened up the fourth weekend for the
new Scottish DX Contest, but it wasn't very well attended even for a
first year.
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini-tests. Every Wednesday. Three separate
one-hour mini-tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date). 160-10M
CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Look around 028 to 045 kHz on
each band, lower on 160M. Activity is really picking up in these
contest among CWOps members and non-members. The top claimed score from
1300Z made 158 QSOs in one hour. Of course the top few were SO2R.
2. QRP Fox Hunts. 0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday night local date). Two
foxes will be calling between 14050 and 14070 kHz. 5W maximum power.
Work only the two foxes and do not spot the foxes' frequencies.
Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. The two foxes this week are K2ZN, AL,
NY and NK6A, DON, CA. From this part of the country, we should be able
to work them both.
3. NCCC RTTY Sprint. 0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local date).
15-160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange:
both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO.
Look around 080 kHz on each band plus up from 1805 kHz.
4. NCCC NS Sprint. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local date).
15-160M CW. 100W maximum power. One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both
calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes permitted. Look around 040 kHz
and up from 1815 kHz.
5. 10-10 International Summer Contest, SSB. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z Sun.
10M SSB. Exchange: Name + 10-10 # (or "0") + SPC. There is usually a
lot of activity in this one if the band is open at all.
6. NCJ North American QSO Party, CW. 1800Z Sat to 0559Z Sun. Single
ops may operate 10 hours out of the 12. 100W maximum power. 160-10M
CW. Exchange: Name + S/DC/Prov/NA country. For stations outside NA,
Name only. NA teams can work everybody. There is a team competition
and I will register teams for SECC (and friends) Friday night or
Saturday morning and will send out a copy of the registrations. So far,
we have: K4BAI, N4IQ, NN4K, KU8E, N4YA, K2SX, N4EEV, AD8J, AA4LR. You
don't have to be a member of SECC or licensed or operate within any
particular geographical area. Please let me know ASAP if you want to
join the fun as a member of a team. This one always has a lot of
activity and a lot of fun. Multipliers (St/DC/Prov/NA countries) count
per band, so there can be a lot of QSYing, even to bands that appear not
to be open. Please join in the fun even if you elect not to be on a team.
7. ARRL 222 mHz and up Distance Contest. 1800Z Sat to 1800Z Sun. 222
mHz and up all modes. Exchange: 6 character grid square.
8. South African Radio League High Frequency Phone Contest. 1300Z to
1630Z Sunday. 80-20M SSB. Exchange: RS + Serial #.
9. Adventure Radio Society August Spartan Sprint. 0100-0300Z Tuesday
(Monday night local date). 80-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST
+ SPC + Power.
10. North American QRP CW Club August Sprint. 0030-0230Z Wednesday
(Tuesday night local date). 20, 40, 80M CW. 5W maximum power.
Exchange: RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power. Multiply your score x 2 for use
of a hand key and by 1 1/2 for use of a bug. Scores are reported
separately for HK, bug, or keyer and also for simple wire antennas (SWA)
or gain antennas (GAIN).
11. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night. 0230-0259Z Wednesday UTC date.
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M SSB. 100W maximum power. No QSY rule. Exchange:
Name + SPC. Mults count per band. Look around 21325, 14250, 7175,
3800,and 1875 kHz.
12. CWTs. Every Wednesday. See #1 above.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John,
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