[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests' This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Thu Nov 2 15:58:15 EDT 2017
Late Received Reports:
W4UK 321 91 65,975 SO HP ____ SC SECC
CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 11/25/17, 1900Z
W4ER 17 12 289 SO QRP 0.5 KY ACG
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NS Sprint
W4OC 53 44 2,332 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
K4BAI 41 33 1,353 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
K1GU 40 31 1,340 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG
2. CQ World Wide DX Contest, SSB
Call QSO Zon DXC Score
6Y4T 7161 127 394 8,207,834 M/2 HP 48 6Y CDXA At 6Y5WJ
Ops: W4GE, K8AJA, N4SF
WW4LL 3566 132 478 5,552,220 M/2 HP 48 GA GCG
K0EJ 1865 112 354 2,432,520 SOAB HP 38 TN TCG SO2R
K3IE 1328 102 346 1,654,464 SOAB(A) HP 35 TN TCG
N4KG 890 104 348 1,114,348 SOAB(A) HP 22:20 AL ACG
K4PV 1322 92 253 890,100 SO AB HP 43:50 FL ACG
W2GDJ 737 94 331 870,400 SOAB(A) HP 25.5 NY HVCDX
N4YA 690 86 276 664,270 SOAB(A) HP _____ GA GCG
W4EEY 685 77 240 592,156 SO AB HP 30 SC SFCG
N4PN 1368 33 124 543,534 SOSB/20 HP 21 GA GCG
N4GG 480 85 264 466,613 SO AB HP 12 GA SECC
K4PI 430 79 224 363,300 SOAB(A) HP 10.5 GA GCG
N4OX 885 30 112 334,126 SOSB/15 HP 10 FL ACG
N4XL 401 59 195 281,940 SOAB(A) LP 20 SC SFCG
W4XO 319 55 182 203,304 SOAB(A) HP 12 GA GCG
KC4TEO 308 54 148 169,074 SOAB(CL)LP 21 AL ACG
WA1F 322 37 127 149,896 M/S LP 14:48 GA GCG
Ops: WA1F, WA1S
KM4JA 307 44 121 139,920 SOAB(A)HP 10 AL ACG
KG4IGC 243 53 141 127,264 SO AB LP 26:18 SC SFCG
K2SX 254 47 121 110,208 SOAB(A) HP 7 SC SECC
N4BCD 211 61 127 107,724 SOAB(A) HP 6 TN TCG
NE4EA 225 55 127 106,652 SO AB HP 20 SC SFCG
N4KH 229 49 114 101,712 SOAB(A) HP 6 AL ACG
NF4A 221 46 116 100,602 SOAB(A) HP 3.5 FL ACG
WU0B 212 49 130 95,407 SOAB(A) LP 17 SC SFCG
K7OM 151 48 95 59,059 SO AB HP 9:54 SC SFCG
W4ANT 148 24 65 58,320 SOAB(CL)HP 8:52 SC SECC
N4QH 470 22 40 56,706 SOSB(A)40(CL)LP 9.0 GA
N4CU 156 47 89 55,352 SO AB HP _____ FL ACG
WA1FCN 202 24 74 54,488 SOSB(A)40 LP 22 AL ACG
WN4AFP 155 33 87 47,280 SO AB(CL) LP 9 SC SFCG
KD4RH 175 24 66 39,150 SOSB/40 HP _____ SC CDXA
K4JJ 115 38 81 39,841 M/S LP 5 GA By W4QO
K8LBQ 117 __ __ 33,558 SO AB LP _____ GA CARC
KU8E 142 21 60 31,833 SOSB/40(CL)HP ___ GA SECC
K4BAI 124 30 58 30,976 SOAB(CL) HP 2:50 GA SECC
AB4B 143 16 59 28,575 SOSB(A)80LP 9.5 AL ACG
W4QNW 167 15 58 28,324 SOSB/80 HP 26 SC CDXA
KM4IK 100 36 65 25,048 SO AB HP _____ GA SEDXC
K4VBM 113 35 59 24,534 SO AB LP _____ GA GCG
K4WI 182 12 27 20,748 SOSB/10 HP 24 AL ACG
W4DD 175 10 27 18,241 SOSB/10 HP _____ GA SECC
W4SLT 100 10 25 10,080 SOSB/10 HP 5:46 SC SFCG
AG4W 157 14 30 7,260 SOSB/160HP 16 AL ACG
NJ8J 48 21 31 5,876 SOAB(CL)LP 4:16 GA SECC
N4RJ 50 12 31 5,375 SOSB(A)160HP 10 GA GCG
NV4B 69 8 16 4,896 SOSB/10(CL)LP 5 AL ACG
AJ5E 42 15 29 3,960 SOAB(CL) LP 4 SC SFCG
AA4LR 37 14 26 3,240 SO AB LP 2 GA SECC
I can only list the score reports that I know about. All of thse came
from posts to the 3830 reflector or notification to me directly. If
your score isn't listed, please send me your report in this format and
I'll include it next week. This is close to a record, with 49 scores
submitted from our geographical area and clubs or from members of the
clubs in our area.
3. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 11/1/17, 1300Z
N4ZZ 133 108 14,364 SO LP 1.0 TN ACG SO2R
W4OC 117 104 12,168 SO LP 1.0 SC SECC SO2R
N5TOO 70 65 4,550 SO LP 0.85 GA GCG
NN4K 51 48 2,448 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
WA8OJR 52 45 2,340 SO LP 1.0 SC SECC
KT4XN 43 41 1,763 SO LP 1.0 GA
K1GU/0 41 41 1,681 SO LP 0.5 MN TCG
WU4B 29 28 812 SO LP 1.0 GA SECC
N4DT 27 27 729 SO QRP 1.0 SC
WN4AFP 10 10 100 SO LP 0:09 SC SFCG
WD4EXI 8 8 64 SO QRP 0:30 GA
4. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 11/1/17, 1900z
N4ZZ 113 95 10,735 SO LP 1.0 TN ACG
K2SX 66 63 4,158 SO HP 0:45 SC SECC
K1GU/0 53 48 2,544 SO LP 1.0 MN TCG
K4HR 46 42 1,932 SO HP 1.0 SC SECC
NN4K 44 41 1,804 SO HP 0.6 GA SECC
WU4B 35 32 1,120 SO LP 1.0 GA SECC
N4DT 33 33 1,089 SO QRP 1.0 SC
KT4XN 32 31 992 SO LP 1.0 GA
N4TMM 22 21 462 SO LP 1.0 GA
WN4AFP 10 10 100 SO LP 0:07 SC SFCG
5. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 11/2/17, 0300Z
K2SX 98 72 7,742 SO HP 1.0 SC SECC
NN4K 52 50 2,600 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K1GU/0 47 40 1,880 SO LP 1.0 MN TCG
N4ZZ 31 31 961 SO LP 0:10 TN ACG
N4DT 25 25 625 SO QRP 1.0 SC
This week's Contests:
First: A reminder that the local time changes at 2 AM Sunday. Before
going to bed Saturday night, be sure to turn all your clocks and watches
set to local time back one hour. Otherwise, you may be an hour off on
Sunday. Also, this is a very good time to change the batteries in your
smoke detectors.
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint. 0145-0215Z Friday (Thurs night local date) 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after one
intervening QSO. Look around 080 kHz and up from 1805 kHz.
2. NCCC NS Sprint. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thurs night local date). 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes permitted. Look
around 040 kHz and up from 1815 kHz.
3. International Police Association (IPA) ARC Contests. 0600-1000Z
Sat; 1400-1800Z Sat. 80-10M CW. Exchange for IPA member: RST + serial
# + "IPA" + state for USA stations. Non IPA members send RST + serial
#. There are limited frequencies allowed to be used. Check the rules.
The IPA has an identical contest on Sunday, same times, etc. The only
difference is RS in the exchange rather than RST and, of course, the
permitted frequencies are different.
4. Ukrainian DX Contest. 1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun. 160-10M CW, SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or two letter Ukr oblast.
5. ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW. 2100Z Sat to 0300Z Mon. 24 hour
maximum operating time with half hour minimum off time. Exchange: # +
Precedence (Q, A, B, U, M, or S), your call, your check (last two digits
of year first licensed), ARRL or RAC section. Work only USA,
possessions, and Canadian stations. This is the big domestic CW contest
of the year. There is a club aggregate score competition, so be sure to
put your club's name in the header of your Cabrillo file.
6. Adventure Radio Society November Spartan Sprint. 0200-0400Z Tuesday
(Monday night local date). 80-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST
+ SPC + power.
7. QRP 40M Fox Hunt. The new season starts next week. 0200-0330Z.
7030-7050 kHz. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Work only the two
foxes. 5W maximum power. Do not spot the foxes frequencies. Foxes
usually start out listening split ("up" or "down") and then listen
simplex after the pile up dies down. Work only the two foxes, who will
be calling "CQ FOX." The schedule isn't posted yet, but I was asked if
I could be a fox on 40 and 80M the first week, so it may be that I will
be one of the two foxes. On Thursday nights, there is an 80M fox hunt,
3550-3570 kHz with the same rules. These can be a lot of fun, Speeds
are not blinding. Hounds will perfect their split frequency operation
and Foxes will practice their CW pile up copying. Hope many of you will
participate this season, which runs until about April 1. There is also
a summer season on 20M.
8. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night. 0230-0259Z SSB. 15, 20, 40, 80,
160M SSB. 100W maximum power. Mults count per band. Exchange: Name +
SPC. Look around 21325, 14250, 7175, 3800, and 1875 kHz. Use your
contest logger's program for NAQP SSB.
9. CWOps Club CWTs. Every Wed. Three separate one-hour mini-tests.
1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday local date). 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name
+ CWOps # or SPC. Look around 028 to 045 kHz on each band and lower on
160M. These will be easier for many of us to participate in after the
time change this weekend. The first session will be earlier in the
morning local time and the last session will be earlier in the evening
local time. These can be a lot of fun and participants noticeable
improve their contesting techniques.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs, particularly in ARRL
SS CW. Let me know your claimed scores if you aren't posting them to
the 3830 score reflector.
73, John, K4BAI
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