[SESprint] SESprint Digest, Vol 115, Issue 5

Bill N4iQ bill.n4iq at charter.net
Tue Dec 25 14:47:27 EST 2018

John - please put me on the SECC NAQP CW Team.  I plan to operate 10 hours.

I would help on Feb 23 with the NAQP RTTY team but that, as usual, conflicts with the SCQP with which I will be helping and operating.  


Sent from N4iQ Bill Chartier's iPhone 8+

> Hello all:
> South East Contest Club will enter teams in the North American QSO 
> Parties in January and February.  Three QSO parties will take place, one 
> on CW, one on SSB, and one on RTTY.  These parties run 12 hours (of 
> which single ops can operate only 10).  They start on Saturday 
> afternoon.  The exchange is simply name and date.  The mults (state, 
> provinces, and North American countries) count per band, so there is an 
> incentive to operate all open bands.  Power is limited to 100W so there 
> is not a tremendous advantage to stations who could run more power. 
> Bands are 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.
> Teams are from two to five members.  Team members do not need to be 
> members of SECC or to live and operate within any geographical area. 
> So, invite  your friends who do not have their own contest clubs with 
> teams in the events to join us.
> The dates are:
> CW:  January 12-13, 2019
> SSB: January 19-20, 2019
> RTTY:  February 23-24, 2019.
> I will be on Bonaire for a week (for ARRL DX CW) just prior to the RTTY 
> event, so if someone else would like to enter the teams for that event, 
> please let me know.  If not, I will be able to do it, since I expect to 
> have internet access.
> I will be participating on CW and SSB, and welcome any other team 
> members for any of the three modes.  Please let me know ASAP if you'd 
> like to be on a team, which mode(s),  about how much time you may be 
> able to operate, and if you will be running QRP by chance. I plan to get 
> out some suggestions as to strategy before the CW and SSB events.
> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
> 73, John, K4BAI.

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