[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Tue Aug 6 15:24:54 EDT 2019
Late Received Scores:
CWOps CWT Mini Test, 7/31/19, 1300Z
W4ER 18 18 324 SO QRP 0.3 AL ACG
CWOps CWT Mini Test, 7/31/19, 1900Z
N4IQ 102 94 9,588 SO HP 1 SC SFCG SO2R
W4NBS 38 38 1,444 SO LP 0.5 AL ACG
W4ER 13 13 169 SO QRP 0.3 AL ACG
RSGB Islands on the Air Contest
WB4HRL 0 0 8 4 272 SO(A)12 SSB HP 12 SC SFCG
Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 8/1/19, 0300Z
N4ZZ 151 119 17,969 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
K4BAI 135 115 15,525 SO HP 1 GA SECC
N2NL 119 116 13,804 SO HP 1 AL ACG
KG5HVO 126 100 12,600 SO LP 1 AL GCG
K1GU 120 99 11,880 SO HP 1 TN TCG
W4NBS 59 45 2,655 SO LP 1 AL ACG
NN4K 35 35 1,225 SO HP 0.5 GA SECC
K2SX 34 34 1,156 SO HP 0:15 SC SECC
AG4EA 37 31 1,147 SO LP 1 SC
W4ER 36 31 1,116 SOQRP 1 AL ACG
N5TOO 22 22 484 SO HP 0:20 GA GCG
K4WG 22 22 484 SO HP 0:25 AL ACG
N4DT 14 14 196 SOQRP 1 SC
KT4XN 13 13 169 SO LP 0.3 MT SECC
2. NCCC NS Sprint, 8/2/19
KG5HVO 34 27 918 SO LP 0.5 AL GCG
K4BAI 34 26 884 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
N4ETC 31 24 744 SO LP 0.5 NC
3. North American QSO Party, CW Team and/or Club
N4OGW 1189 201 238,989 SO LP 10 MS DpDxCC Elvis SO2R
N4ZZ 1097 201 216,109 SO LP 10 TN TCG Tranquility SO2R
K0EJ 1005 196 196,980 SO LP 10 TN TCG Tranquility SO2R
N4PN 764 191 145,924 SO LP 10 GA GCG
N4OO 803 171 137,313 SO LP 10 GA GCG
K4BAI 750 173 129,750 SO LP 10 GA SECC Orange Squeeze
KU8E 717 161 115,437 SO LP 10 GA SECC Orange Squeeze
K1GU 727 158 114,866 SO LP 9.9 TN TCG Tranquility
AA4LS 748 143 106,964 SO LP 10 NC SECC PVRC Plus One SO2R
N4IQ 645 164 105,780 SO LP 10 SC SFCG#1 SO2R
K3IE 627 161 100,947 SO LP 7.5 TN TCG Tranquility SO2R
WA1FCN 567 150 85,050 SO LP _____ AL ACG Bama Regulars
N4XL 596 141 84,036 SO LP 10 SC SFCG#1 SO2R
AA4CF 539 149 80,311 SO LP 8 GA GCG
WF4W 474 129 61,146 SO LP 8.5 GA SECC
KG5HVO 442 105 46,410 SO LP 5.6 AL GCG Bama Regulars
NN4K 367 116 42,572 M/2 LP 10 GA SECC
K4WG 345 106 36,579 SO HP* 7 AL ACG
W4XO 313 114 35,682 M/1 LP 6:48 GA GCG
W4NBS 310 100 31,000 SO LP 5.7 AL ACG
K2SX 284 108 30,672 SO HP* 4 SC SECC
NI7R 257 106 27,242 SO LP 8 SC SFCG#1
K4VBM 231 97 22,407 SO LP _____ GA GCG
K7OM 220 91 20,020 SO LP 6:43 SC SFCG#1
AA5JF 212 84 17,808 SO LP 9 GA SECC
AB4B 200 82 16,400 SO LP 5 AL ACG Bama Regulars
WN4AFP 204 80 16,320 SO LP 6.75 SC SFCG#1
NF7D 172 87 14,964 SO HP* 10 AL ACG
KG4IGC 171 82 14,022 SO LP 6:33 sc SFCG#1
N5TOO 189 73 13,797 SO LP 4.5 GA GCG
WA8OJR 185 70 12,950 SO LP 3.5 SC SECC
NG2J 133 52 6,916 SO LP 5.5 GA SECC
KG4CUY 100 43 4,300 SO LP 2 AL ACG
K4WI 70 42 2,940 SO LP 3 AL ACG
KT4XN 71 37 2,671 SO LP 2:74 MT SECC
W4AAZ 64 39 2,496 SO LP 4 FL ACG By N4CU
N4TOL 40 31 1,240 SO QRP _____ GA SECC
NJ8J 19 15 285 SO LP 0:30 GA SECC
*There is no high power category in this contest. High power logs will
be considered check logs.
Team scores (so far). Number of Scores Reported
TCG Team Tranquility 793,062 5
PVRC Plus One 569,123 4
Orange Squeeze 415,431 4
SFCG#1* 167,420* 6*
Bama Regulars 147,860 3
Teams are composed of from two to five members. Six members of SFCG#1
reported their scores to 3830. I don't know which one was not actually
3. ARRL 222 MHz and Up Contest
NV4B/R 22 4,515 Rover LP 13 AL/MS ACG
KU4XO 3 968 SO HP 24 SC
4. Adventure Radio Society August Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 12 12 SO QRP Tubby 1:37 GA SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date. 0230-0259Z Wed. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M SSB. 100W maximum power. Exchange: Name + SPC. No
QSY rule. Mults count per band. Use the NAQP module in your logger.
This one will be good practice for the NAQP SSB contest coming up on
August 17/18. Try around 21325, 14250, 7175, 3800, and 1875 kHz.
2. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. Three
separate one-hour mini-tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC
date). 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC. Look around 026
to 047 kHz on each band, but lower on 160M.
3. QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday local date. 0100-0230Z Friday. 5W max
power. Two QRP Foxes will be calling between 14050 and 14070 kHz. Work
only the two foxes and do not spot their frequencies. Exchange: RST,
SPC, Name, Power. The two foxes are WX2S, Steve, NJ and AC4CA John GA.
AC4CA formerly lived in Atlanta and was an op at NQ4I.
4. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night local date. 0145-0215Z
Friday. 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY
rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after
one intervening QSO. Look around 080 to 082 kHz on most bands and up
from 1815 kHz on 160M.
5. NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date. 0230-0259Z Friday.
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes permitted. Look
around 039 to 046 kHz and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.
6. Worked All Europe DX Contest, CW. 48 hours of weekend UTC.
(operating time max for single ops is 36 hours). 80-10M CW. Exchange:
RST + serial #. If you wish, you may earn extra points by sending QTC
to European stations. A QTC is time/call/# received from up to ten
previous QSOs. You may send only a maximum of ten QSOs to any station
and may not include a QSO with the receiving station on another band.
Most logging programs take care of this for you. You do not have to
send QTCs if you don't want to, but you will be asked to send them if
you have a strong signal in Europe. There is a club aggregate score
competition, so be sure to put your club's name in the Cabrillo header.
This is a fun and challenging CW contest if only the bands will open
from here to Europe.
7. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon. 1200Z Sat to 2359Z
Sun. 160-6 M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE." Use a
mechanical key. There are a lot of stations on in this contest and you
can work it whether or not the bands are open to Europe.
8. Maryland-District of Columbia QSO Party. 1400Z Sat to 0400Z Sun.
160-2M + 432 mHz. CW,, Ph, Dig. Exchange: Entry Class + SPC or MD
county or DC. Entry classes are: CLB, MOB, QRP, and STD. So home or
portable stations send "STD" as your entry class.
9. 4 State QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint. 0000-0200Z Monday (Sunday
night local date). 160-10M CW/SSB. Max power 5W. Exchange: RST, SPC,
4S# or power. I have found most activity around 14060, 7122, and 3564 kHz.
10. North American QRP CW Club August Sprint. 0030-0230Z Wed (Tuesday
night local date next week). 20, 40, 80M CW. 5W max power for CW and
10W for phone. Exchange: RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power. This is a very
popular QRP sprint. You can double your score if you use a hand key and
1 1/2 times your score if you use a bug.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend.
73, John, K4BAI.
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