[SESprint] NAQP CW and SSB, January 11 and January 18

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Dec 27 15:53:53 EST 2019

With apologies to K5KG, I will plagerize his announcement to the FCG 
repeater.  I will register teams for SECC for these two fun contests. 
Please e-mail me about your availability, if you will be LP or QRP, and 
approximately how much of the contest you can operate (you can operate 
up to 10 out of the 12 hours).

North American QSO Party, CW is January 11, and SSB is January 18, 2020. 
  1800Z Sat to 0600Z Sun.  Power output is limited to 100 watts.

If you are interested in joining a CW or SSB team, please let me know. 
All team members must be single-ops, no multi-ops.  Mults count per 
band.  You cannot be assisted and be a single op in this contest.  Mults 
are US states/DC (including Hawaii), Canadian provinces or territories 
plus North American DXCC countries outside US and Canada.  Stations 
outside North America may be worked for points, but do not count as 

Rules: www.ncjweb.com

Most contest logging programs except those that are primarily for DX 
Contests include modules for these contests.

As I get team sign-ups, I will form five-member teams and register them 
with NAQP prior to the contest.  We can have as many teams as we can 

To be on a team, you do not have to be a member of any particular club 
or group or operate within any circle.  Come one, come all!

I will publish the CW and SSB sign-up lists as they form.

Questions? Pse let me know.

73, John, K4BAI.

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