[SESprint] Team Competition for NA Sprint Contest Feb 3, 1019

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 25 11:09:53 EST 2019

Hello all:  I am forming teams for the North American Sprint CW Contest. 
  It is Saturday night Feb 2 local date, 0000-0400Z Sunday Feb 3 UTC 
date.  20, 40, 80M CW.  Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. There is a 
five/one khz QSY rule.  Logs must be submitted within 7 days.

I believe we have the nucleus of one team with K4BAI, KU8E, and KG5HVO. 
  Please let me know if you would like to be on a team.  If so, also let 
me know if you will be HP, LP, or QRP and if you may operate less than 4 
hours or full time.

Lots of fun that Saturday night and more stations, more teams, will mean 
more fun for all.

73, John, K4BAI.

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