[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Jun 17 15:42:41 EDT 2019

Late Received Scores:

ARRL VHF Contest
AJ6T   160  78  13,026  SO 3band LP  11:13  AL  ACG   SO2R
NV4B   160  65  10,400  SO 3band LP  12:12  AL  ACG
K2SX    45  29   1,305  SO       HP   3     SC  SECC*
K1GU    20  16     320  SO       LP   2.5   TN  TCG
AJ4UQ    1   1       1  SO       LP   1     SC  SFCG

Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:

1.  North American QRP CW Club June Sprint
K8LBQ  33  17  2,214  SO QRP SWA HK  ____  GA  SECC
K4KBL  25  15  1,470  SO QRP SWA HK  ____  GA
KJ4R   27  14  1,134  SO QRP SWA Bug ____  SC
K4BAI  27  13    702  SOQRPGAINKeyer 1:51  GA  SECC
K4EOR   9   7    252  SO QRP SWA HK  ____  GA  SECC
N4API   4   4     48  SO QRP SWA HK  ____  GA

2.  Phone Fray, 6/12/19
KG5HVO  19  13  247  SO LP  0.4   AL  GCG

3.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/12/19, 1300Z (Slow Speed)
N4ZZ    113  106  11,978  SO LP   1     TN  TCG   SO2R
K1GU     82   82   6,724  SO HP   1     TN  TCG
N4IQ     85   78   6,630  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG  SO2R
AD8J     81   71   5,751  SO HP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
K4BAI    70   70   4,900  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
KG5HVO   65   62   4,030  SO LP   1     AL  GCG
W4XO     44   44   1,980  SO LP   1     GA  GCG
NN4K     40   40   1,600  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
KI4MZC   32   31     992  SO QRP  ____  GA  SECC
KT4XN    31   31     961  SO LP   1     SD  SECC
NG2J     26   26     676  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
K4HR     22   22     484  SO HP   0:25  SC  SECC
N4DT     21   21     441  SO QRP  1     SC
W4ER     14   14     196  SO QRP  0.3   AL  ACG
KJ4M     13   12     156  SO LP   0:15  AL
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:09  SC

4.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/12/19, 1900Z (Slow Speed)
K0EJ    99  93  9,207  SO LP   1     TN  TCG   SO2R
AD8J    89  88  7,832  SO HP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
K1GU    84  84  7,056  SO HP   1     TN  TCG
KU8E    78  74  5,772  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K4BAI   59  58  3,422  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
N4IQ    55  53  2,915  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
K4HR    43  43  1,849  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
NN4K    40  40  1,600  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K3UT    29  28    812  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
KJ4YM   26  26    676  SO LP   1     GA  NFARL
N4DT    23  23    529  SO QRP  1     SC
KN8U    22  22    484  SO LP   0:26  GA  GCG
KG5HVO  22  22    484  SO LP   0.35  AL  GCG
KJ4M    18  18    324  SO LP   0:20  AL
KT4XN   17  17    289  SO LP   1     SD  SECC
W4XO    15  15    225  SO LP   0:20  GA  GCG
W4ER    10  10    100  SO QRP  0.3   AL  ACG
KB4DE   10  10    100  SO LP   0:27  SC

5.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/13/19, 0300Z (Slow Speed)
N4ZZ    109  109  11,881  SO LP   1     TN  TCG   SO2R
K4BAI    93   93   8,649  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
KG5HVO   83   80   6,640  SO LP   1     AL  GCG
KN8U     77   77   5,929  SO LP   1     GA  GCG
NN4K     59   57   3,363  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
KT4XN    46   46   2,116  SO LP   1     SD  SECC
KJ4M     37   37   1,369  SO LP   0:30  AL
W4ER     35   34   1,190  SO QRP  1     AL  ACG
K4EOR    22   22     484  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
N4DT     22   22     484  SO QRP  1     SC
KB4DE    18   18     324  SO LP   0.25  SC

6.  NCCC NS Sprint, 6/14/19
W4OC   50  40  2,000  SO LP  .5  SC  SECC  SO2R
K4BAI  46  36  1,656  SO LP  .5  GA  SECC
W4NZ   35  29  1,015  SO LP  .5  TN  TCG   SO2R

7.  West Virginia QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul
K4BAI    10    5     0    6  SO Mix LP  550  1:03  GA  SECC
WN4AFP   11    6     0    8  SO Mix LP  524  ____  SC  SFCG

8.  Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest
K7OM  24  6  324  SO AB HP  1:12  SC  SFCG

9.  Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge
K7OM  11      15  SO HP  0:38  SC  SFCG

10.  All Asia DX Contest, CW
K4AB    184  129  23,736  SO AB HP  12     AL  ACG
KG5HVO   50   47   2,350  SO AB LP  _____  AL  GCG
K4BAI    34   29     986  SO AB LP   2:20  GA  SECC
KN8U     17   17     289  SO AB LP   1:06  GA  GCG

11.  SMIRK Contest
Call   CWQ  PhQ  Mul
K4BAI    2    1    3  9  SO LP  0:04  GA  SECC

12.  Flying Pigs QRP CW Club June Run for the Bacon
K4BAI   23  16  1,008  SO QRP  1:50  GA  SECC
WA4AAK   5   4     60  SO QRP  ____  AL

This Week's Contests:

1.  Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night.  0230-0259Z.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M 
SSB.  100W maximum power.  Exchange:  Name + SPC.  Mults count per band. 
  Use your NAQCC SSB contest module.  No QSY rule.  Look around 21315, 
14250, 7175, 3800, and 1875 kHz.

2.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Every Wednesday local date.  Three 
separate one-hour mini-tests.  1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date). 
  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Look around 026 to 048 
kHz on each band and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.

3.  NAQCC Milliwatt Sprint.  0030-0230Z Thurs (Wed night local date). 
20, 40, 80M CW.  1W max power.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power.
Look around 14060, 7030-7045, 3560 kHz.  Double your score for use of a 
hand key and 1 1/2 times your score for use of a bug.

4.  NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night local date.  0145-0215Z 
Friday.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W max power.  Exchange:  both 
calls, #, name, SPC.  Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO. 
One/one kHz QSY rule.  Look around 082 kHz on each band plus up from 
1805 kHz.

5.  NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date.  0230-0259Z Friday. 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  No same band dupes permitted. Look 
around 040 kHz on each band and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.

6.  Ukrainian DX Digi Contest.  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun.  80-10M RTTY, 
PSK63.  Exchange:  RST + QSO # or 2 letter Ukrainian oblast.

7.  His Majesty King of Spain Contest, SSB.  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun. 
160-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS + serial # or EA province.

8.  ARRL Field Day.  1800Z Sat to 2100Z Sun.  24 hours maximum from 
beginning of set up period or 24 hours from first QSO if set up began 
the day before.  All modes. All bands except 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters.
Exchange:  number of transmitters in simultaneous operation (not 
including GOTA station and one VHF station).  Plus letters as follows:
A = club or non club group of three or more portable on emergency power. 
  B = one or two person portable on emergency power.  C = mobile.  D + 
home station on commercial power.  E + home station on emergency power. 
  F = EOC station.  Plus ARRL or RAC section. For example, W4AN with a 
large number of operators in GA will send 3A GA.  If K4BAI is QRV from 
his home station on commercial power, he will send 1D GA.  DX stations 
send "DX" instead of section.

9.  Straight Key Century Club Week Day Contest.  0000-0200Z Wed of next 
week (Tuesday night local date).  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, 
Name, SKCC# or "NONE."  Use a mechanical key.  Look up from 050 on most 
bands and 1815 on 160M.

10.  Phone Fray.  See #1 above.

11.  CWT.  See #2 above.

12.  QRP Fox Hunt series starts next week.  Note that the dates are 
wrong on the WA7BNM calendar.  Except for the week of July 4th, the 
hunts run 0100-0230Z Fridays (Thursday nights local dates).  The summer 
series is on 20M.  14050-14070 kHz.  Work only the two foxes each week 
and do not spot their frequencies.  The foxes next Thursday night will 
be AJ1DM, JOHN, RI and AC4CA, JOHN, TX.  The next week, the hunt will be 
on Tuesday night July 2 (July 3 UTC date).  This is to avoid a confict 
with July 4th itself.  5W maximum power.  RI and TX could turn out to be 
good distances from the south east at this hour.  20M has been staying 
open at night during the warmer months.

Six meters has been pretty much of a bust here for the past week, but I 
am still listening.  Did work K7CW in WA state double hop and XE2X, both 
on CW.

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  73, John, 

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