[SESprint] Announcement DX Dinner duing Huntsville Ham Fest

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Jun 20 08:53:58 EDT 2019


Good morning from Huntsville.  My name is Chris Reed AI4U, the
secretary/treasurer for the North Alabama DX club.  Bob, K8KI our
President or Warren K4MMW, our VP may have reached out to you already
regarding our DX banquet at this year's Huntsville Hamfest.

If not, it will be Saturday night, August 17 at the Springhill Suites
directly behind the Von Braun Center.  This year's speaker is Joel
Harrison, W5ZN, former ARRL President and current Arkansas DX
Association President.  The grand prize at the dinner will be a Yaesu
FT-DX3000 sponsored by Gigaparts.  We will have many more prizes from
hamfest vendors.  Tickets are $38 each and can be purchased online at
nadxc.org <http://nadxc.org>.  A map to the hotel and more details can
be found there as well.

Will you please pass this information on to your contacts? It would be
greatly appreciated.  We are trying to reach out to surrounding  contest
and dx groups.

The team is working hard to make this year's hamfest the best ever.  We
hope to see you there!

73 de AI4U

Chris Reed
North Alabama DX Club
creed at hiwaay.net <mailto:creed at hiwaay.net>


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