[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Thu Dec 31 14:23:05 EST 2020
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint, 12/25/20
N4IQ 23 8 184 SO LP 0.5 SC SFCG SO2R
2. NCCC NS Sprint, 12/25/20
K4BAI 30 27 810 SO LP 0:26 GA SECC
3. Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge
ND7K 611 3,090 SO HP 13:31 AZ AOCC Op: W4IX
K4BAI 588 1,902 SO HP 10:27 GA SECC
KU8E 470 1,526 SO HP 8:22 GA SECC
W4GE 151 1,224 SO QRP 6 SC CDXA
KR4F 442 1,172 SO HP 9 AL ACG
N4IQ 377 1,101 SO HP 9 SC SFCG
N4ZZ 251 992 SO LP 2:43 TN TCG
K4HR 205 672 SO HP 7:48 SC SECC
N4GG 238 633 SO HP _____ GA SECC Check Log
AD8J 203 602 SO HP 3:51 NC SECC Remote
NN4SS 178 497 SO HP 5 SC SECC
AA5JF 197 478 SO HP 4 GA SECC
AA4LR 123 404 SO LP 5 GA SECC
K3IE 104 269 SO HP 2 TN TCG
NJ8J 74 234 SO LP 5:30 GA SECC
AE4Y 28 142 SO LP 0:30 NC SECC
KK4WX 28 96 SO LP 12 GA
PJ4/K4BAI 3 11 SO LP 0:27 PJ4 SECC Remote
4. K1USN Slow Speed Test, 12/28/20 (SST)
K4BAI 52 31 16,740 SO HP 0:51 GA SECC
W5XX 46 25 11,750 SO LP 1 MS 599DXA
AE4Y 28 21 6,090 SO LP 1 NC SECC
K8LBQ 25 18 4,500 SO LP 1 GA SECC
KT4XN 24 12 2,880 SO HP 1 GA SECC
KR4AE 15 22 2,100 SO QRP 1 GA SECC
W4NWB 11 12 1,449 SO LP ____ SC
K4EOR 9 9 810 SO LP 1 GA SECC
W4QO 8 8 640 SO QRP ____ GA SECC
5. QCX Challenge, 12/28/20, 1300Z
N4SO 0 0 0 SO QRP ____ AL
6. QCX Challenge, 12/29/20, 0300Z
K4BAI 1 1 1 SO QRP 0:18 GA SECC
7. WorldWide Side Band Activity Contest
NJ8J 2 1 2 SOAB-OM 0:20 GA SECC
8. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 12/30/20, 1300Z
K4BAI 164 164 26,896 SO HP 1 GA SECC
KU8E 140 129 18,060 SO HP 1 GA SECC
W4XO 123 123 15,129 SO HP 1 GA GCG
W8FN 127 115 14,605 SO HP 1 NC SECC
N4IQ 118 114 13,452 SO HP 1 SC SFCG SO2R
AD8J 114 106 12,084 SO HP 1 NC SECC Remote
AA5JF 82 79 6,478 SO HP 1 GA SECC
KT4XN 73 71 5,183 SO HP 1 GA SECC
N4ZZ 66 66 4,356 SO LP 0:20 TN TCG
WB4HRL 67 61 4,087 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
AE4Y 62 60 3,720 SO LP 1 NC SECC
AG4EA 57 57 3,249 SO LP 1 SC
W4NBS 55 55 3,025 SO LP 0.85 AL ACG
NN4K 52 52 2,704 SO HP 1 GA SECC
K4HR 55 43 2,365 SO HP 0:45 SC SECC
N4DT 34 34 1,156 SO QRP 1 SC
N4CU 12 12 144 SO HP ____ FL ACG
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:05 SC
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 12/30/20, 1900Z
K4BAI 154 137 21,098 SO HP 1 GA SECC
N4ZZ 143 140 20,020 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
K0EJ 137 127 17,399 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
N4IQ 123 118 14,514 SO HP 1 SC SFCG SO2R
KU8E 122 114 13,908 SO HP 1 GA SECC
W8FN 116 115 13,340 SO HP 1 NC SECC SO2R
AD8J 117 114 13,338 SO HP 1 NC SECC Remote
W4XO 95 91 8,645 SO HP 1 GA GCG
KT4XN 81 72 5,832 SO HP 1 GA SECC
AE4Y 77 71 5,467 SO LP 1 NC SECC
WB4HRL 65 60 3,900 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
AG4EA 57 57 3,249 SO LP 1 SC
W4NBS 59 54 3,186 SO LP 0.82 AL ACG
NN4K 46 46 2,116 SO HP 0:45 GA SECC
WU4B 39 39 1,521 SO LP 1 GA SECC
K8LBQ 40 36 1,440 SO LP 1 GA SECC
N4DT 37 37 1,369 SO QRP 1 SC
N4ARY 33 33 1,089 SO LP 1 GA SECC
N4CU 22 22 484 SO HP ____ FL ACG
AA5JF 14 14 196 SO HP 1 GA SECC
KG5HVO 13 13 169 SO LP 0.1 AL GCG
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:05 SC
10. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 12/31/20, 0300Z
K4BAI 164 144 23,616 SO HP 1 GA SECC
N4ZZ 157 149 23,393 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
W8FN 140 140 19,600 SO HP 1 NC SECC
KU8E 134 121 16,214 SO HP 1 GA SECC
AD8J 127 121 15,367 SO HP 1 NC SECC Remote
N5TOO 106 100 10,600 SO HP 1 GA GCG
KT4XN 86 78 6,708 SO HP 1 GA SECC
AA5JF 78 76 5,928 SO HP 0:55 GA SECC
W4NBS 77 76 5,852 SO LP 1 AL ACG
W4XO 78 72 5,616 SO HP 0:52 GA GCG
WB4HRL 74 74 5,476 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
K4HR 72 64 4,608 SO HP 1 SC SECC
KG5HVO 38 38 1,444 SO LP 0.3 AL GCG
AG4EA 36 36 1,296 SO LP 1 SC
N4DT 36 33 1,188 SO QRP 1 SC
N4ARY 31 31 1,023 SO LP 1 GA SECC
N4KH 29 29 841 SO HP 0:30 AL ACG
W4ER 20 20 400 SO QRP 0.3 AL ACG
NJ8J 16 15 240 SO LP 0:20 GA SECC
KC8YRK 11 11 121 SO LP 1 GA SECC
NN4K 10 10 100 SO HP 0:31 GA SECC
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:07 SC
KC4T 6 6 36 SO QRP ____ FL Academy
KI4POV 2 2 4 SO QRP 0.25 AL Academy
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night. 0145-0215Z, 15, 20, 40, 80,
160M RTTY. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both
calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO.
Look around 082 kHz and up from 1803 kHz.
2. QRP Fox Hunt 80M. 0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday local date). Two QRP
Foxes will be calling between 3550 and 3570 kHz. 5W max power.
Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. The foxes will be KV2X, TOM, NY and
N9EP, ED, Ill. Work only the two foxes and do not spot their frequencies.
3. NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night. 0230-0259Z. 15, 20, 40, 80,
160M CW. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls,
#, name, SPC. No same band dupes permitted. Look around 040 to 046 kHz
and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.
4. Mechanical key events. 24 hours of Saturday. 24 hours begins 15
0000Z on local New Year's eve and and runs through 2359Z Friday, New
Year's Day. ARRL sponsors its Straight Key Night (SKN). Actually you
may use any mechanical key, bug, cootie, etc. Just make regular QSOs.
You can report per the ARRL webpage. FOC (First Class Operators Club)
has its Bug Day over the same 24 hours. Open to all. Not just FOC
members. Reports requested to N5KV with the calls of bug-to-bug QSOs
and a vote for best bug fist.
5. QRP ARCI New Year's Sprint. 1500-1800Z Friday, January 1. 80-10M
CW. Exchange: RST + SPC + ARCI# or power. There are power mults.
6. World Wide Peace Messenger Cities Contest (PMC). 1200Z Sat Jan 2 to
1200Z Sun. Jan 3. 160-10M CW, SSB. Exchange: RS(T) + CQ Zone # or PMC
abbreviation. Atlanta is one of the Peace Messenger Cities. If you
live in Atlanta or belong to a radio club based in Atlanta (such as
SEDXC), you may use the "ATL" abbreviation in your exchange and you will
be giving out the ATL multiplier for the contest. Let's show what we
can do and have a strong "ATL" turnout.
7. Winter VHF Sprint. 1600=1659Z Saturday Jan 2. 6, 2, 220, any mode.
Exchange: 4 character grid square. Repeater QSOs do not count. Lets
see if we can make some VHF QSOs in that hour. I will be on 6M SSB and CW.
8. ARRL Kid's Day. 1800Z to 2359Z Sat Jan 2. 80-10M + 2M repeaters.
Exchange: Name + age + QTH + favorite color.
9. ARRL RTTY Round Up. 1800Z Sat to 2400Z Sun. 24 hours max operating
time. 80-10M RTTY, Digital. Exchange: RST + S/P pr serial # for
stations outside W/VE countries. QSOs once per band regardless of
mode, This one is very popular with RTTY ops and is gaining popularity
on the other digital modes.
10. EU CW 160M Contest. 2000-2300Z Sat and 0400-0700Z Sun (Sat night
local date). 160M CW. Exchange: RST, Name, Affiliated Club,
Affiliated Club # or "NM" for non-member. Affiliated Clubs include
(SST). 0000-0059Z Monday (Sunday night loal date). 20, 40, 80M CW. 20
WPM maximum speed. Exchange: Name + SPC. Suggested frequencies:
028-045 kHz on each of the three bands. QSO beginning with this week
count only one point each regardless of QTH. Multipliers are still SPC
per band. It appears the UDC module in N1MM+ has been updated with the
new rules. (K1USN UDC file)
12. WorldWide Side Band Activity Contest. 0100-0159Z Tuesday (Monday
night local date). 160-6M SSB. Exchange: RS + age/gender group (OM,
YL, Youth, Youth YL).
13. Adventure Radio Society January QRP Spartan Sprint. 0200-0400Z
Tuesday (Monday night local date). 80-10M CW. 5W max power. Exchange:
RST + SPC + Power.
14. Tuesday Night 40M QRP Fox Hunt. See #2 above. Same except
frequency range is 3550 to 3570 kHz and the foxes are N9EP, ED, IL and
NR3Z, Marty, PA.
15. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date. 0230-0259Z. 10, 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M SSB. 100W max power. Exchange: Name + SPC. Look
around 21325, 14250, 7175, 3800, and 1875 kHz.
16. RSGB Hope QSO Party, FT4. 1230-1400Z Wed. 80-10M FT4. Exchange:
4-character grid square.
16. CWOps CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. Three separate
one-hour min-tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UCT date). 160-10M
CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC. Look around 023 to 052 kHz and
lower on 160M. These are still very popular and are good practice for
any other CW contest.
17. RSGB Hope QSO Party, CW. 1400-1530Z Thursday. Exchange: RST +
serial #. 80-10M CW. We can usually work Europe at this time on 20M CW
and possibly also on 15M CW.
18. Straight Key Century Club Week Day Sprint - Europe. 2000-2200Z
Thursday. Use a mechanical key. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name,
SKCC# or "NONE." Usually can make QSOs on 20 and 40M. You can work
anybody, not just Europe.
Hope everyone has a nice week, weekend, and New Year with a lot of QSOs.
73, John, K4BAI
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