[SESprint] Team(s) for NAQP CW This Saturday

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Jul 30 11:18:16 EDT 2020

This Saturday is the summer running of the North American QSO Party on 
CW.  It runs 2 PM Sat to 2 AM Sun.  Single ops can operate up to 10 
hours.  Exchange is simply name + state, province, NA country, or "DX." 
The mults (SPC) count per band.  Obviously, each station can be 
contacted once per band. 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10M.

There can be "teams" of from two to five persons.  These must be single 
ops and not assisted and power is limited to no more than 100W.

Multi Ops can operate 12 hours and use spot assistance, but single ops 
who use spot assistance also would fall in the mult op (M/2) category.

So, this is a fun contests with a lot of acitivy and I hope many of you 
will participate.

I am going to register the teams before the contest period starts and 
hope to do so late Friday or early Saturday.

So far, I have:  K4BAI, W8FN, N4IQ, K2SX, NJ8J, K8LBQ, K4OGG.  I'd like 
to have at least two full teams, preferably more.  Please let me know 
ASAP if you would like to be on a team and how much time you think you 
can devote to the contest (weather and equipment permitting).

73, John, K4BAI.

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