[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Jul 29 13:58:28 EDT 2021

Late Received Scores:

CQ VHF Contest
AJ6T  29  23  677  SOSB/6 HP  1:45  TN  TCG

CWOps Club CWT Test, 7/22/21, 0300Z
WB1LLY  27  27  729  SO LP  ____  GA
KB3FW   11  11  121  SO LP  0:30  SC  SECC

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint, 7/23/21
K1GU   41  35  1,435  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  41  33  1.353  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  QRP Fox Hunt, 7/23/21 (Foxes NR3Z, PA and W9CF, AZ)
Worked both foxes:  KK4BNC, K4BAI, ND4K
Worked only the PA Fox:  NN4K, WA4ZOF, K8LBQ.

3.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 7/23/21
ND4K   28  21  588  SO LP Academy  1     GA
K4PQC  20  17  340  SO QRP         0:50  GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
K4EMF  15  13  195  SO HP Academy  1     GA
WD4EX  13  13  170  SO QRP         1     GA
KB3FW  11  11  121  SO LP          0:30  SC  SECC

4.  RSGB Islands on the Air Contest
Call   CWQ  CWM  PhQ  PhM
AA4V   286   34  340   44  350,220 M/S HP   11     SC CDXA By AA4V, W4GE
K4BAI  452   73    0    0  167,535 SO24CW   14:17  GA SECC
AA5JF  207   82    0    0  157,604 SO(A)12  12     GA SECC
                                    CW HP
K2SX   143   44    0    0   44,044 SO(A)24   2.75  SC  SECC
                                    CW HP
W4NZ   100   32    0    0   22,724 SO12CWHP  5     TN  TCG
K4QQG    0    0  123   17    9,265 SO12SSBLP 6:30  SC  SFCG
KT4O    50   19    0    0    8,075 SO12CWHP  ____  TN  SECC
NJ8J    45   16    0    0    5,392 SO12CWLP  2     GA  SECC
K4VBM    9    2    0    0       88 SO24CWLP  ____  GA  SECC

5.  Adventure Radio Society Flight of the Bumblebees
K4BAI  50  30  4,500  SO QRP  3:34  GA  SECC

6.  K1USN Slow Speed Test, 7/26,21
W8FN   76  32  2,432  SO HP   1  NC  SECC
N5TOO  50  21  1,050  SO HP   1  GA  GCG
KT4XN  34  27    918  SO LP   1  FL  SECC
K4PQC  26  21    546  SO QRP  1  GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC

7.  Straight Key Century Club Week Day Sprint
K8LBQ   24  20  740  SO QRO  1:47  GA  SECC
KC4HCH  17  12  389  SO QRO        AL
N4API   10   8  216  SO QRO        GA
NA4O    10   5  190  SO QRP        GA
KI4MZC   8   8  139  SO QRP        GA
KC2DQV   5   4   50  SO QRO        SC
W4QDV    3   3   39  SO QRO        GA

8.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 7/28/21, 1300Z
N4ZZ    178  170  30,260  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
W8FN    144  144  20,736  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
AD8J    126  126  15,876  SO LP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
N5TOO   108  105  11,340  SO HP   1     GA  GCG
W4XO    101  101  10,301  SO HP   1     GA  GCG
K4HR     70   64   4,480  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
K1AJ     65   61   3,965  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
AG4EA    53   51   2,703  SO LP   1     SC
K1GU     44   44   1,936  SO HP   0.5   TN  TCG
W4ER     44   43   1,892  SO QRP  1     AL  ACG
W4LJ     40   40   1,600  SO HP   0.75  SC
K4EES    36   34   1,224  SO LP   1     AL
AA5JF    32   32   1,024  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
K2SX     30   30     900  SO HP   0:12  SC  SECC
KB3FW    28   28     812  SO LP   0:45  SC  SECC
N4DT     26   26     676  SO QRP  1     SC
NN4K     25   25     625  SO HP   0.4   GA  SECC
K4EMF    17   17     289  SO HP   1     GA  Academy
N4CU     12   12     144  SO HP   ____  FL  ACG
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:13  SC

9.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 7/28/21, 1900Z
N4ZZ    161  155  24,955  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
N5TOO   131  131  17,161  SO HP   1     GA  GCG
K0EJ    107   95  10,165  SO QRP  1     TN  TCG   SO2R
K1GU     84   84   7,056  SO LP   1     TN  TCG
W8FN     88   79   6,952  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
K4HR     82   72   6,314  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
K2SX     57   57   3,249  SO HP   0:25  SC  SECC
W4XO     52   50   2,600  SO HP   0:28  GA  GCG
K4BAI    49   49   2,401  SO HP   0:19  GA  SECC
W4ER     49   48   2,352  SO QRP  1     AL  ACG
WN4AFP   45   42   1,890  SO LP   0.75  SC  SFCG
NN4K     37   37   1,369  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
AG4EA    36   35   1,260  SO LP   1     SC
KJ4YM    36   34   1,224  SO QRP  1     GA  NFARL
K8LBQ    30   29     870  SO LP   0:55  GA  SECC
N4DT     30   29     870  SO QRP  1     SC
AD8J     20   20     400  SO LP   0:12  NC  SECC
W4LJ     19   18     342  SO HP   0.5   SC
KB3FW    18   18     324  SO LP   0:40  SC  SECC
K4EMF    13   13     169  SO HP   1     GA  Academy
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:11  SC
K3UT      6    6      36  SO QRP  0:15  ME  SECC

10.  CWOps Club CWT TEst, 7/29/21, 0300Z
K4BAI   143  143  20,449  SO HP   0:56  GA  SECC
N4ZZ    102  101  10,302  SO LP   0:35  TN  AOCC  SO2R
K1GU     87   87   7,569  SO LP   1     TN  TCG
N5TOO    72   69   4,968  SO HP   0:40  GA  GCG
NN4K     62   62   3,844  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
NJ8J     48   43   2,064  SO LP   0:52  GA  SECC
AG4EA    45   39   1,755  SO LP   1     SC
W4ER     37   36   1,332  SO QRP  1     AL  ACG
K2SX     35   35   1,225  SO HP   0:16  SC  SECC
W4NBS    35   33   1,155  SO LP   0.5   AL  ACG
W4XO     33   33   1,089  SO HP   0:25  GA  GCG
AD8J     30   30     900  SO LP   0:18  NC  SECC  Remote
KT4O     29   28     812  SO HP   1     TN  SECC  SO2R
N4DT     26   26     676  SO QRP  1     SC
WB1LLY   11   11     121  SO LP   ____  GA
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:12  SC

This Week's Contests:

1.  QRP Fox Hunt.  20M.  0100-0200Z Friday (Thursday night local date). 
Two QRP Foxes (wX2S, STEVE, NJ and ND4K, DAVE, GA) will be calling 
between 14050 and 14070 khz.  5W max power.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, 
Power.  Foxes usually start out split up and most will go to simplex 
when the pile up has died down.  They will send "UP" if they are split. 
Good opportunity to practice operating split.  Work only the two foxes 
and do not spot their frequencies.  Dave is in Milledgeville, GA, so it 
will probably be ground wave or nothing.  WX2S is a good op and the band 
could be OK from here to NJ.

2.  NCCC RTTY Sprint.  Every Thursday night local date.  0145-0215Z 
Friday.  15,20,40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W power limit.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC.  Same band dupes OK after one 
intervening QSO.  Look around 082 kHz and up from 1805 kHz on 160M.

3.  NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date.  0230-0259Z Friday. 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W power limit.  One/one kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both callos, #, name, SPC.  No same band dupes counted.  Look 
around 040-045 kHz on each band and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.

4.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  2000-2100Z Friday.  20, 40, 80, 160M
CW.  Exchange:  Name + SPC.  Max speed 20 WPM.  Look around 029 to 045 
kHz and around 1820 kHz on top band.  You can use your NAQP CW contest 
module, but adjust your mults upward for any DX countries worked outside 
North America.  This is a good chance to practice for NAQP CW, which 
will be the next weekend.  E-mail K4BAI to participate on a team.

5.  Russian WorldWide Multi Mode Contest.  1200Z Sat to 1159Z Sun. 
160-10M, CW, SSB, RTTY, BPSK63.  Exchange:  RS(T) + QSO# or Russian 2 
letter Oblast.  Work everyone.  More points for QSOs on the three lower 

6.  Missouri QSO Party.  1400Z Sat to 0400Z Sun; 1400-2000Z Sun. 160-UHF 
CW, Ph, Dig.  Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P or just RST for DX stations.  Work 
only MO stations.

7.  South African Amateur Radio League Hight Frequency Phone Contest. 
1400-1700Z Sunday.  80-20M SSB.  Suggested frequencies that we can work 
in the US:  3603-3650; 3700-3800; 7130-7200; 14150-14300 kHz.  Exchange: 
  RS + serial #.  Work only South African stations.

8.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  0000-0100Z Monday (Sunday night local 
date).  See #4 above.

9.  Adventure Radio Society August Spartan Sprint.  0100-0300Z Tuesday 
(Mo9nday night local date).  80-10M CW. 5W max power.  Exchange:  RST + 
SPC + power. Work everyone.

10.  CWOps Club CWT Tests.  Every Wednesday/Thursday local date.  Four 
separate one-hour test.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # or SPC. 
1300, 1900, 0300 and 0700Z.  The first two are Wednesday local and UTC 
dates and the third one is Wed night local date/Thursday morning UTC 
date, and the 0700Z session is very early morning for us.  Look around 
028-052 kHz on the higher bands and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.

11.  Straight Key Century Club Sprint Europe (SKCC-E).  1900-2100Z next 
Tbursday.  160-6M CW. Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE."  Use a 
mechanical key.   Work everyone, not just Europeans.  Most activity 
starts on 20M and ends on 40M.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend.  73, John, K4BAI, for SECC.

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