[SESprint] Claiemd Scores, Last Week's Contests, This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Sep 2 14:47:40 EDT 2021

See paragraphs far below about South East Contest Club's seeking new 
members.  Thanks.

Late Received Scores:

SARTG World Wide RTTY Contest
W4UK  72  34  28,560  SO SB/20 HP  4  SC  SECC

CWOps Club CWT, 8/26/21, 0300Z
WB1LLY  31  31  961  SO LP  GA

Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint Ladder, 8/27/21
K4BAI  50  38  1,900  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
W4NZ   47  34  1,598  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
K1GU   35  27    945  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG

2.  QRP Fox Hunt 20M, 8/27/27
Worked K9DRP:  NK4K, K3UT, WB1LLY, KK4BNC, K4BAI, WA4ZOF.  Surprising to 
me, GA QSOs were a large part of Don in IL's log.  This was the last FH 
for the summer season on 20M.  The fall/winter/spring season will start 
in Oct, I think.  The scheduled dates are posted on the QRP Fox Hunt 
website (Qfox) and you can register teams there and apply to be a fox 
yourself from that webpage.

3.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 8/27/21
N4ARY  28  16  448  SO LP   0:45  GA  SECC
K6RM   24  18  432  SO LP   1     NC  SECC
K4PQC  21  15  315  SO QRP  0:50  GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
WD4EX  17  17  289  SO QRP  0.75  GA
K4EMF  15  14  210  SO HP   0.9   GA  Academy
KJ4YM  15  12  180  SO QRP  1     GA  NFARL

4.  Hawaii QSO Party
Call     CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul
NH6T/W4   29   15     8   19  2,600  SO AB HP  ____  AL
N4TOL     10    5     0   11    440  SO AB LP  ____  GA  SECC
K4VBM      6    7     7    5    192  SO AB LP  ____  GA  SECC
K4BAI      6    0     0    5     90  SO AB HP  0:06  GA  SECC
NJ8J       4    0     0    4     49  SO AB LP  1     GA  SECC
W4NZ       4    0     0    3     37  SO AB LP  1     TN  TCG
KB4DE      2    0     0    1      6  SO AB LP  1     SC

5.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 8/20/21
K4BAI   86  40  3,440  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
W8FN    86  34  2,924  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
N5TOO   61  26  1,586  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
WA8OJR  27  27    729  SO LP   1     SC  SECC
K4PQC   28  18    504  SO QRP  0:55  GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
N4ARY   28  17    476  SO LP   0.5   GA  SECC
K4EMF   24  19    456  SO HP   1     GA  Academy
WA4PKL  20  18    360  SO LP   0.75  SC
WD4EX   12  12    144  SO QRP  0:50  GA
KT4XN    6   5     30  SO HP   0.2   GA  SECC

6.  Kansas QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul
K4VBM    54   29     2   39  8,686  SO LP  _____  GA  SECC
K4ZGB    46    0     0   29  4,102  SO LP  _____  AL  ACG
K3GWK     0   42     0   26  2,284  SO LP   4     GA  SECC
K4QQG     0   43     0   20  1,720  SO HP  _____  SC  SFCG
K4BAI    17   10     0   17  1,207  SO HP   0:42  GA  SECC
W4NZ     21    0     0   19  1,197  SO LP   2     TN  TCG
N4QI     13    7     0   11    683  SO LP  12     SC
NJ8J     17    3     0   11    627  SO LP  _____  GA  SECC
KA4FVE    0   15     0    8    240  SO LP  _____  SC
KB4DE     2    3     0    4     48  SO LP  1      SC

7.  Ohio QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  CWM  PhM
AD8J    147  133   53   50  43,981  SO HP   8:15  NC  SECC  Remote
K4ZGB    61   13   40    7   6,345  SO LP   ____  AL  ACG
N4UC     75    0   34    0   5,100  SO LP   4     AL  ACG
K4VBM    40   12   25   11   3,312  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
KR4AE    33    0   26    0   1,716  SO QRP  1.5   GA  SECC
N4GG     35    0   22    0   1,540  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
KT4XN    33    0   20    0   1,320  SO HP   3     GA  SECC
W4NZ     37    0   17    0   1,258  SO LP   2     TN  TCG
W8FN     28    0   22    0   1,232  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
KT4Q     21   12   13   10   1,214  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
K3GWK     0   41    0   26   1,066  SO LP   2:45  GA  SECC
N5TOO    27    0   17    0     884  SO HP   0:35  GA  SECC
NJ8J     20    0   15    0     600  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
KA4FVE    0   21    0   19     399  SO LP   ____  SC
K4QQG     0   20    0   17     340  SO HP   ____  SC  SFCG
N4QI      6    0    6    0      72  SO LP   6     SC
KB4DE     4    0    4    0      32  SO LP   1     SC

8.  RTTY Ops WorldWide RTTY Contest
K7OM  32  98  1,872  SO(U) HP  2:15  SE  SFCG

9.  World Wide Digi DX Contest
AA5JF   310  43  24,338  SO SB/20 HP   9:30  GA  SECC
K4KSV   196  43  12,384  SO AB    LP  15     AL  ACG
WB4HRL  175  39   8,307  SO AB    LP  13:46  SC  SFCG
N3HEE   108  47   7,426  SO AB    LP   4     SC
K4VBM    69  27   2,673  SO AB    LP  _____  GA  SECC
AJ4UQ    45  16     912  SO AB    LP   3     SC  SFCG

10.  YO (Romania) DX HF Contest
Call   CWQ  PhQ  Mul
K0EJ   230    0   86  73,444  SO CW    HP  ____  TN  TCG
K4BAI    9    0    3      39  SO SB/20 HP  0:34  GA  SECC
NJ8J     4    0    4      32  SO CW    LP  0:30  GA  SECC

11.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/1/21, 1300Z
N4ZZ    182  165  30,030  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
K4BAI   152  152  23,104  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
W8FN    134  134  17,956  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
N5TOO   131  131  17,161  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K1GU    127  127  16,129  SO LP   1     TN  TCG
W4XO    116  116  13,456  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
N4IQ    118  114  13,452  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG  SO2R
AD8J     98   91   8,918  SO HP   0:55  NC  SECC  Remote
N3ZL     81   74   5,994  SO LP   0:56  NC  SECC
NN4K     76   76   5,776  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K4HR     74   64   4,736  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
WB4HRL   67   60   4,020  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
AE4Y     50   48   2,400  SO LP   1     NC  SECC
KT4XN    46   46   2,116  SO HP   0.7   GA  SECC
WA1S     41   41   1,681  SO LP   ____  FL
AG4EA    42   40   1,680  SO LP   1     SC
AA5JF    38   38   1,444  SO HP   0:25  GA  SECC
WB1LLY   38   38   1,444  SO LP   ____  GA
W4LJ     36   36   1,296  SO HP   0.75  SC
K4PQC    30   29     870  SO QRP  0:56  GA Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
K2SX     29   29     841  SO HP   0:10  SC  SECC
N4DT     23   23     529  SO QRP  1     SC
K8LBQ    20   20     400  SO LP   0:35  GA  SECC
N4CU     19   19     361  SO HP   ____  FL  ACG
K4EMF    18   18     324  SO HP   1     GA  Academy
W4ER     11   11     121  SO QRP  0.5   AL  ACG
ND4K     10   10     100  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC

12.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/1/21, 1900Z
N4ZZ    141  137  19,317  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
N4IQ    106  104  11,024  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG  SO2R
AD8J    105  104  10,920  SO HP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
W8FN    103  102  10,506  SO HP   1     NC  SECC  SO2R
K0EJ     96   92   8,832  SO QRP  1     TN  TCG   SO2R
KU8E     95   91   8,645  SO HP   0:55  GA  SECC
N5TOO    78   78   6,084  SO HP   0:35  GA  SECC
K4HR     72   67   4,824  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
K2SX     67   67   4,489  SO HP   0:40  SC  SECC
NN4K     60   60   3,600  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
KT4XN    60   59   3,540  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K1GU     51   51   2,601  SO HP   0.5   TN  TCG
W4XO     51   49   2,499  SO HP   0:35  GA  GCG
WB4HRL   48   48   1,304  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
K1AJ     35   35   1,225  SO LP   0.5   ME  SECC
KJ4YM    26   26     676  SO QRP  1     GA  NFARL
KB3FW    25   25     625  SO LP   0:55  SC  SECC
W4LJ     24   24     576  SO HP   0.67  SC
N3ZL     23   23     529  SO LP  ~0:15  NC  SECC
N4DT     21   21     441  SO QRP  1     SC
AG4EA    19   19     361  SO LP   0:25  SC
K4PQC    17   17     289  SO QRP  0:40  GA Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
N4ARY    15   15     225  SO LP   0.5   GA  SECC
K4EMF    14   14     196  SO HP   0.7   GA  Academy
W4ER     11   11     121  SO QRP  0.5   AL  ACG
KB4DE    11   11     121  SO LP   0:21  SC
WB1LLY   10   10     100  SO LP   ____  GA

13.  Flying Pigs QRP Club September 40M Walk for the Bacon (First Night)
K4BAI  11         31  SO QRP  1  GA  SECC

14.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 9/2/21, 0300Z
N4ZZ    176  153  26,928  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
K4BAI   147  147  21,609  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K2SX    127  114  14,478  SO HP   1     SC  SECC
K1AJ     95   90   8,550  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
N5TOO    89   89   7,921  SO HP   0:40  GA  SECC
N3ZL     67   62   4,154  SO LP   1     NC  SECC
WB4HRL   57   52   2,964  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
NN4K     52   52   2,704  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
KT4XN    45   45   2,025  SO HP   0.7   GA  SECC
K4EES    42   36   1,512  SO LP   1     AL
KJ4M     30   30     900  SO LP   0:20  AL
K4PQC    30   28     840  SO QRP  0:57  GA Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
K1GU     28   28     784  SO HP   0.5   TN  TCG
AD8J     23   23     529  SO LP   0:17  NC  SECC  Remote
N4DT     21   21     441  SO QRP  1     SC
AG4EA    12   12     144  SO LP   0:15  SC
WB1LLY   12   12     144  SO LP   ____  GA
W4ER     10   10     100  SO QRP  0.5   AL  ACG
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:28  SC

This Week's Contests:

1.  G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest.  2300Z Wed to 2300Z Fri. 80-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + Name + Fists# or power.  Most activity will 
be around 058 kHz on each band.  The suggested call is "CQ FS."  Use a 
straight key, of course, if you want to compete.

2.  Flying Pigs QRP Club September 40M Walk for the Bacon.  0200-0300Z 
Thursday (Wednesday night local date).  7110-7125 kHz.  5W max power. 13 
WPM max speed.  Call is "CQ FP."  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, FP# or 
power.  This is the second night after an hour last night.

3.  Straight Key Century Club Sprint - Europe.  Use a mechanical key. 
1900-2000Z Thursday.  160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or 
"NONE."  Work everyone, not just Europe.  Activity usually starts on 20M 
and moves to 40M.

4.  NCCC RTTY Sprint.  Every Thursday night local date.  0145-0215Z 
Friday.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 080-090 kHz on 
each band but up from 1805 on 160M.  Same band dupes OK after one 
intervening QSO.  Activity usually starts on highest open band and moves 
down the bands.

5.  NCCC NS Sprint Ladder.  Thursday night local date, 0230-0259Z 
Friday.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 040-046 kHz and 
up from 1815 kHz.  No same band dupes allowed.  Activity usually starts 
on the highest open band and moves down the bands.

6.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  2000-2100Z Friday.  160-10M CW.  Max 
speed: 20 WPM.  Exchange:  Name + SPC.  Mults count per band.   You can 
use your NAQP CW contest module.  If you work any countries outside 
North America, add those mults and re-calculate your score.

7.  All Asia DX Contest, Phone.  0000Z Sat to 2400Z Sun.  160-10M Phone. 
  Exchange:  RS + 2 digit age.  Yls can send "00."  Work only stations 
in Asia.

8.  Russian RTTY WorldWide Contest.  0000-2359Z Sat.  80-10M RTTY. 
Exchange:  RST + CQ zone or 2 letter Russian oblast.  Work anyone.

9.  CWOps Club Annual CW Open Contest.  0000-0359Z Sat.  1200-1559Z Sat. 
  2000-2359Z Sat.  You can work the same station on all bands in each of 
the sessions.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  serial # and name.  Work 
everyone.  There is a team competition.  Teams consist of two to ten 
members.  We will have at least one full team and I'ld like to have 
more.  E-mail me at k4bai at ku8e.com if you would like to be on a team and 
give me an estimate of how many hours you expect to operate.

10.  Colorado QSO Party.  1300Z Sat to 0400Z Sun.  All bands except WARC 
and 60M.  CW, Ph, Dig.  Exchange:  Name + SPC or CO county.  There are 
power mults.  Bonus points for QSOs with AF0S or WA0VTU.  Work only CO 
stations.  Suggested frequencies:  CW: up 50 kHz. SSB: 1870, 3850, 7250, 
14250, 21350, 28450.  Digital frequencies:  see rules.  There is a club 
competition and I can't determine if out-of-clubs can compete.  Just put 
your Club name in your Cabrillo log header.

11.  RSGB SSB Field Day.  1300Z Sat to 1300Z Sun.  80-10M SSB. Exchange: 
  RS + serial #.   Max power: 100W.  Work only UK stations.

12.  Two Meter Classic Sprint.  1300-1330Z Sat.  2M CW, SSB.  Exchange: 
QSO# + 4 character grid square.

13.  Tennessee QSO Party.  1800Z Sun to 0300Z Mon.  All bands except 
WARC and 60M.  CW. Ph, Dig.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or TN county.

14.  K1USN Slow Speed Test.  0000-0100Z Monday (Sunday night local 
date).  See #6 above.

15.  Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint.  2300Z Mon to 0300Z Tuesday. 
All bands except WARC + 60M CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + MiQRP# or power. 
  Work anyone.  Frequencies suggested:  1811, 3560, 7030, 7040, 7110, 
14060, 21060, 21110, 28060, 50060.  Bonus mults for QSOs with WQ8RP. Max 
power 5W.

16.  Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. Every first Monday local 
date.  0100-0300Z Tuesday.  80-10M CW.  5W max power.  Exchange:  RST + 
SPC + power.  Yes, there is an overlap for the last two hours of these 
QRP contests.

17.  CWOps Club CWT Tests.  Every Wed/Thurs.  Four separate one-hour 
contests.  1300Z Wed, 1900Z Wed, 0300Z Thurs, 0700Z Thurs.  160-10M CW. 
Exchange:  Name + CWOps Club # or SPC.  Look around 027-052 kHz on each 
band, but up from 1815 kHz on 160M.  Very popular CW contest sessions.

Note that the next weekend will feature the Alabam QSO Party on Saturday 
and the NCJ North American Sprint Contest Saturday night local date. 
KU8E will register a team or teams.  Please e-mail Jeff at ku8e at ku8e.com 
ASAP if you want to participate and give him your expected power level 
and about how many of the four hours you will be able to operate.  This 
is a big CW Sprint contest that is held twice a year.

SECC (South East Contest Club) would like to invite all persons, 
particularly in and around our club circles (as shown on the maps on our 
website) to join our club and participate in contesting individually and 
collectively.  The ARRL circle of 175 miles includes almost all of GA, 
most of SC, Western NC (including Charlotte and Asheville) and a small 
part of Eastern AL.  The CQ circle of 250 miles includes most of SC, all 
of GA, east AL, northern FL, western and central NC, and eastern TN.

SECC was founded by the late Bill Fisher, W4AN, in the late 1990s to 
encourage contest activity in our geographical area.  You may not that 
paragraph 5 of the By Laws require submission of at least two scores for 
SECC to continue membership, but that provision has never been enforced. 
  We encourage you to submit your contest scores showing "South East 
Contest Club" in your Cabrillo header after "CLUB:"

SECC has no dues, but members will be given the opportunity to volunteer 
helping to pay for club sponsored plaques, internet expenses, expenses 
of the GA QSO Party, etc.

Bill Fisher passed away in 2004 and his call, W4AN, is now held by SECC 
as a memorial club call.  The call has been used in multi op contests, 
individually in contests and otherwise, and for a rover in many state 
QSO parties.  Look for W4AN/M to be QRV for part of the Alabama QSO 
Party the second weekend in September this year.  Any member who wants 
to use the call can obtain permission from the custodian of the call 
(now K4BAI and will be changed to KU8E) as long as a copy of the log is 
provided to the custodian for QSL answering purposes.  You can see a 
copy of the club QSL card on the website.

Over the years, the club has had multiop stations competing at the 
highest level of contesting, including N4RJ, W4AN, NQ4I, WW4LL, and 
W8JI.  At the moment WW4LL is the only multi op location being used as a 
mutli single or multi two in our area on a regular basis and all the 
WW4LL operating at this time is being done remotely.

Over the years, SECC members have founded the Alabama Contest Group, the 
Swamp Fox Contest Group (SC), and the Georgia Contest Group. 
Unfortunately for it, the GCG has recently indicated that it will 
disband.  Many of its members are also members of SECC.  Those who are 
not we hope will join SECC.

In past years, SECC has twice won the gavel that ARRL awards to the top 
middle sized club through entries in the ARRL November Sweepstakes. With 
the possibility of combining the scores of the former SECC members and 
the former GCG members in one SECC club score, the opportunity will be 
there for SECC to again compete for the middle sized club recognition. 
This year, this is one emphasis for our club.  We hope any of you who 
are reading this and are inside the ARRL circle for SECC will join the 
club, sign up for the reflector, operate in SS and submit your scores 
for SECC.  Other contests, sponsored by ARRL, CQ, and others will also 
be entered.

If you are not sure if you are already a SECC member, go to the club 
website:  https://southeastcontestclub.com and look at the alphabetical 
roster.  Check to make sure that your Grid Square information is 
correct.  Check to see that you are on the ARRL contest list and your 
grid square is accurately listed there.  If you are not a member, there 
is a link on the club webpage for an application to join.  Please fill 
it out and W4GKF, SECC secretary, will acknowledge it.  Also on the 
webpage, you will find a link to join the SECC groups.io reflector.  You 
don't have to join the club to join the groups.io reflector, but we'd 
appreciate it if you would especially if your score could count for SECC 
in upcoming contests.  Some contests do not a geographical limitation 
and teams that are entered in contests often include non members who 
want to join a potentially winning team.

SECC, with the assistance of the Southeastern DX Club (centered in 
Atlanta) sponsors the Georgia QSO Party the second full weekend in April 
each year.  This is one of the most popular state QSO parties, in part 
because of the number of counties in GA (159), in part because of the 
larger number of mobiles and rovers and portables active, and in part 
because of the enthusiasm of the participants.

SECC originally had at least one in-person meeting per year to meet each 
other and to elect officers.  Other than that, it was mostly an 
internet/reflector club.  This year, the club has begun to have meeting 
by Zoom every two months.  The next one will be in October and the 
subject will be the upcoming ARRL November Sweepstakes.  Info on joining 
the Zoom meetings will be provided on the groups.io reflector.

If you have any questions about SECC or contesting in general, you may 
send them to me, K4BAI at k4bai at ku8e.com.  Please do not reply to my 
.att e-mail address because att is having problems delivering mail at 
the moment.  Or address them to the president, Jeff, KU8E at 
ku8e at ku8e.com.  Or just post them generally on the groups.io reflector. 
There is a wealth of knowledge in the club and someone should be able to 
help with most any question you have.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. Remember to 
contact K4BAI about teams for CWOpen and KU8E about teams for NA Sprint 
CW.  73, John, K4BAI.  For SECC.

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