[Skimmertalk] NO-IP DNS Service

Dave Zeph zephd at indy.rr.com
Mon Nov 15 11:47:26 PST 2010

NO-IP offers their DNS Service for free for several domains.  Several years
back the NO-IP.COM Domain was free, but later NO-IP decided to charge a
yearly fee for it.  Folks that already were using the NO-IP.COM Domain are
allowed to keep the Free DNS Service so long as they respond to periodic
inquiries to determine whether it is still in use.


NO-IP still offers Free DNS Service for the following Domains:


*                               bounceme.net 

*                               hopto.org 

*                               myftp.biz 

*                               myftp.org 

*                               myvnc.com 

*                               no-ip.biz 

*                               no-ip.info 

*                               no-ip.org 

*                               redirectme.net 

*                               servebeer.com 

*                               serveblog.net 

*                               servecounterstrike.com 

*                               serveftp.com 

*                               servegame.com 

*                               servehalflife.com 

*                               servehttp.com 

*                               servemp3.com 

*                               servepics.com 

*                               servequake.com 

*                               sytes.net 

*                               zapto.org 


Folks now typically pick NO-IP.ORG.  I've told people about SERVEBEER.COM
but there have never been any takers!  Obtaining a Free Account and setting
it up are quite easy.


Here's the link to more info on their Free DNS Service:


I have no business relationship with NO-IP other than paying them for
several of their other Service Options.




73 * Dave, W9ZRX

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