[Skimmertalk] Elad S2 vs Duo issue

Don Moman VE6JY ve6jy.1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 12:58:40 EST 2018

I've been noticing for some time that the S2 is not catching nearly as many
CW spots than the Duo, with both on identical antennas (fed from the same
multicoupler) and on identical bands.  On virtually identical W7 laptops.
Signal reports are like in the 20-30 range for the Duo and maybe in the
5-10 range for the S2. S a lot weaker.  I'm looking at the traffic in the
Aggregator 5.2 window.

I have reversed the antenna feeds - no change.  I have checked a weak
signal in the native Elad software, both are identical there. I have tried
different bands, from 630m to 20m and difference remains.  The difference
is significant and more than just what the antennuator being on would do.
I am using this .ini file from the Elad website...
  I have tried changing the ATT and LP values but they don't seem to make
any difference.

Any assistance or insight would be appreciated, thanks


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