If you have two skimmer instances monitoring the same frequencies, they should never post under the same Skimmer callsign, otherwise the reports will be quite useless for data analysis, because the signal reports will be bouncing all over the place and you can't tell which report to use. Eliminating dupes alone doesn't solve this problem, because the same station could be reporting with two different signal strengths every few minutes, depending on which skimmer heard it first.
If the two SDRs or two Skimmers are monitoring the same band segments, use 3V8SS-1 for one and 3V8SS-2 for the other. You need to run two independent copies of Aggregator to make this work right, since the posted callsign is determined by the first SkimSrv.ini, not by Aggregator.
For more details explaining how to do this, please review this post by Aggregator author W3OA: