Paragon 585 blowing fuses
Jerry L. Bartachek
Tue, 02 Apr 1996 14:19:28 -0800
de Jerry KD0CA:
I'm having an unusual problem with my Paragon in that it blows the DC
power board fuse now and then in the RTTY mode. I only run 50 watts
output using afsk RTTY from my PK-232 into an antenna with a tuner in
line for 1:1 SWR. I'm chatting away and "CLICK" I'm QRT!
I have no problem tuning up the antenna for short duration, and no
problems on full 100 w SSB or CW. I can chat for quite a while safely on
RTTY but if I get too long winded, the fuse blows. (I wish it were
accessable in a screw-in fuse holder!)
I note that my manual lists the fuse as an MDL25 (slow blow) in the
schematic but AGC 25 (fast blow) in the text. Which is the right one?
I've been using MDL25's.
Do I need to install a fan on my heat sink to cure this? Any help is
GREATLY appreciated.
Jerry KD0CA