
Vernon A. Hatley
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 15:47:17 GMT

Well gang, 
     The UPS man came today; he brought me the 500 hz, 9mhz filter and the
250 hz, 6.3 mhz filter.  I got them installed and quickly got the radio
reconnected.  When I first pushed the button on the 250 hz filter, I really
didn't think it was working right; there was no ring at all.  WOW!  Chalk
up another one for Ten-Tec.  It works very well as does the second 500 hz
filter.  Thanks to all who recommended them to me. 
About the FM module; it is no longer in production; I asked the guy at
Ten-Tec.   Some have asked why I wanted one.  Well, I'll tell you.  A
couple of weeks ago 10 meter opened up.  A friend of mine fired up the TS
450 on FM and called CQ a few times and a fellow in Florida answered him;
(our QTH is central Oklahoma).  That's nothing special, except the guy in
Florida was on a 440 handi-talki walking around in his yard.  Cool!  There
are 10 meter repeaters all over the place and many are cross band
repeaters.  It's kinda of a neat change of pace from the usual CW and SSB. 
 Also, many of the HAMs around here gather on 10 mtr FM at nite to shoot
the bull.  So, if anyone hears of a FM module for a Omni or Paragon (same
unit), please let me know.  Thanks.   
KK5RO                            Butternut Vertical 
Vernon A. Hatley              OHR Explorer II 40M 
QRP-L #325                     Ten-Tec Omni V