OmniVI vs FT1000MP

Steve Ellington
Thu, 8 Aug 1996 08:07:34 -0400 (EDT)

Omni 6 advantages;
1. U.S. made
2. Service support better
3. CW filters sound better

Omni 6 disadvantages
1. Physical construction less rugged. (liberal use of sheet metal screws!)
2. BFO drifts on warm up by abt. 20hz causing cw offset error.
3. Main readout is inaccurate by about 50hz on any given band. (no
adjustments). This is due to xtal ageing.
4. Fast QSK causes a click in speaker and varies with setting of BP
tuning. This varies some doit some dont.
5. CW keying is very hard and tends to have a slight chirp. All of them
I've heard sound this way. Adjusting R-24 has no effect on this. Seems to
be do to keying the xtal in the carrier osc from dead zero instead of just
a fq. shift as in the older TT rigs.
6. Internal keyer hard to use due to delay in sidetone.
7. Warm up drift unless power to the xtal oven is left on constantly. 
8. No antenna tuner.

FT-10000mp advantages
1. Dial readout is perfect
2. Construction quality superior ( no sheet metal screws etc.)
3. Stability seems perfect
4. Offset perfect
5. Fast antenna tuner
6. QSK very smooth, no clicks 
7. Has sub receiver
8. General Coverage on both rx and tx ....tx selectable via menu.
9. Stereo recption allows diversity recption.
10 2 antenna inputs selectable from front panel
11 ac power option if desired
12 too many other things to list here

FT-1000mp disadvantages

I. I'm still searching for one
2. Filters are expensive at about $160 each. Omni's are about half that
but they may fall out of their sockets since there is nothing to hold them
in but friction. FT has little clamps etc.
3. Hard to work on due to itsey bitsey little parts!
4. Made in Japan if that matters. Service may be worse but may be less
needed....m a y b e

I traded the OMNI in on the MP about 30 days ago. So far ....So good.
Takes a bit more brain power to operate the FT due to the complexity but a
mind is a terrible thing to waste!

Get the MP without the internal power supply. It runs cooler and will no
doubt last longer. 


> Anyone out there used both and have a preference. I do a mix of all modes and probably more rtty 
> and ssb.
> John N1JM

Steve Ellington N4LQ@IGLOU.COM  Louisville, Ky