End of the Line?
Robert & Angela Dianetti
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 18:50:04 -0400
Speaking of circuit board material...
If its so great, why do I keep having to resolder the Major Loop Board on
my Paragon I? I'm sorry to report that I received two questionable
responses out of Ten-Tec regarding this rig. The first was about their
RS-232 board (did ANYONE ever get the thing to work), and the second was
this week regarding having that Major Loop Board repaired AGAIN. I even
had Ten-Tec repair the rig this past February (paid $200.00 +), and the PLL
still won't lock up consistently whenever I'm below 7.000 Mhz. Their
technician told me to try resoldering it AGAIN, and that it does seem to be
a problem area with the rig. What kind of answer is that????
I've owned several Ten-Tec rigs over my 20 years of Ham experience, PM-2A,
Argonauts 505 and 509, Omni-D, Century 21, and finally this Paragon. All
have been EXCELLENT rigs, except this Paragon. Service has ALWAYS been
outstanding, again, except on this Paragon.
I'm in the market for a new rig now, am considering the Omni-VI, but for
the first time ever, I'm just not sure about Ten-Tec anymore. Anyone have
thoughts on this matter.
P.S. PLEASE don't flame me. I'm a reasonable person!
> From: km4dt@ix.netcom.com
> To: tentec@akorn.net
> Subject: Fwd: End of the Line?
> Date: Thursday, August 29, 1996 11:56 PM
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> id PAA03844; Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:11:47 -0700 (PDT)
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> m0uwFCu-000bIWC; Thu, 29 Aug 1996 18:05:00 -0400 (EDT)
> Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 18:04:58 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Steve Ellington <n4lq@iglou.com>
> X-Sender: n4lq@iglou1
> To: "Ten-Tec, Inc." <74130.212@compuserve.com>
> cc: tentec@akorn.net
> Subject: End of the Line?
> In-Reply-To: <960829201517_74130.212_HHE50-4@CompuServe.COM>
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> Sender: owner-tentec@akorn.net
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> Considering the recent demise of the Paragon, one might ask if TenTech
> reached a technological plateu or perhaps the proverbial "end of the
> line". Logic would suggest that their next offering would be a general
> coverage transceiver with features comparable or better than the Omni IV
> and somewhat competetive with the imported equipment. What should we
> expect? Those with >$2K invested in the Paragon II may be wondering if
> their rig will become a valuable collector's item or a worthless trinket
> of the past. At present, P2 owners have no hope for upgrading their
> equipment and still stay with their favorite company. Will things change
> or should they be looking elsewhere? 73
> Steve Ellington N4LQ@IGLOU.COM Louisville, Ky
> Steve, do you have anything really constructive to say about TenTec?
> I'm beginning to wonder if you're not employed by one of the other radio
> As for me, I happen to like my Omni VI. Yes, I have compared it's
construction to the
> imported rigs. You can keep your steel chassis and the garbage most of
them try to pass off as
> circuit board material. I prefer G-10 epoxy glass boards and the neat,
"easy to service" layout
> of the Omni VI. It may not have 1001 buttons to play with, but SO WHAT!
> <Alan>