mushy pto

Steve Ellington
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 08:13:07 -0500 (EST)

> When tuning around the PTO has a spongy feel to it. There is no backlash 
> or wobble, just the sense that there is something slightly rubbery.

Keep in mind that you are turning a long screw when you twist that pto
knob. There is no fly wheel action whatsoever. As the bearing age and the
grease thickens, the feel does get rather mushy. I have a Triton IV here
that is so mushy feeling that you can actually see the knob move on it's
own after you remove your hand! The cure is a rebuilding of the pto.

I've bought a lot of used TT rigs and all of them needed PTO rebuilds. I
suspect a lot of hams dump their rigs on the used market when the PTO
starts feeling rubbery and jumps frequency. 

Rebuilding the PTO is not too hard if you are slightly mechanically
inclined. The "kit" is available from TT for about $20 or so. Generic
instructions are included. Allow yourself about half a day to do the first
one. Lay the parts out neatly as they are removed and keep track of the
wires as you unsolder them. 

Don't expect the knob to ever feel like a newer rig with their weighted
knobs and emitter wheels. 

Steve Ellington N4LQ@IGLOU.COM  Louisville, Ky 

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