Argosy Design Problem

James Bell
Tue, 02 Jul 96 09:24:34 -700

 The following is a design problem on the ARGOSY that only 
appears after several years.
The band switch shaft in the ARGOSY 1 and 2 runs between the 
heterodyne oscillator crystals. In many cases the shaft actually 
rubs against the crystal on either side  of it and moves the 
crystals in their sockets.
The TEN-TEC solution was to pull the crystals away from contact 
with the bandswitch shaft by using a piece of sticky tape.
With time the tape dries out and comes unstuck.
Because the crystals hang upside down they can work loose in the 
sockets and even fall out.
Another effect of the loose crystal is an apparent faulty band 
 Solution.  Remove the old sticky tape and clean off all traces
 of the sticky residue. Install new tape and make sure to pull 
the two groups of crystals over at an angle away from the band
 switch shaft.
while you have the bottom cover off, clean and re-grease the 
band switch index mechanism.