(Fwd) Noise Blanker on Corsair

Phil Sikes psikes@whidbey.net
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 23:24:34 -8

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          "Phil Sikes" <psikes@whidbey.net>
To:            tentec@acorn.net
Date:          Mon, 24 Jun 1996 12:52:42 -8
Subject:       Noise Blanker on Corsair
Priority:      normal

I don't know about the Omni's, but the noise blanker on the Corsair 
II is a dream come true. Not only is the blanking level adjustable, 
but so is the width. I sometimes get some terrible noise on 20M and 
with this rig it just dissappears. Does the Omni use a different type 
of noise blanker? If so, I will hang on to my Corsair II. I find 
myself using it more than any other rig.

73 - Phil
Amateur Radio Station
email: psikes@whidbey.net

Amateur Radio Station
email: psikes@whidbey.net