Another question; imagine that.

Vernon A. Hatley
Fri, 3 May 1996 10:03:16 -0400

This next question may stir up a hornets nest; but I hope not.  I wouldn't
want to cause a split in the Ten-Tec family.   :-)  
My friends and I have discussed the differences between Paragons and Omnis.
 Since I own the only newer Ten-Tec in my area, we don't have a lot to
compare to.  So I turn to all of your experience for an educated opinion.  

We have read the Ten Tec catalog, so we know what the technical differences
are.  Omni VIs have built in keyer, auto notch, DSP audio, and only HAM
band coverage, etc.  Paragon II have general coverage recieve, the Omni Vs
audio filter, no keyer, and no option for 1st IF filter selection. 
For those of you out there who have used both, what are the real world
differences between the two?  Is the Paragons reciever as good as the
Omni's?  Is one superior to the other? 
I'm rather bias toward Omni's so no one listens to me.   ;-)  
KK5RO                            Butternut Vertical 
Vernon A. Hatley              OHR Explorer II 40M 
QRP-L #325                     Ten-Tec Omni V 
Kent Paddles