FS: FB Corsair Station

Paul Helbert phelbert@rica.net
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:09:24 -0700

>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 13:06:07
>To: tentec@acron.net
>From: Paul Helbert <phelbert@rica.net>
>Subject: FS: FB Corsair Station
>I am offering the following for sale.  All is in A-1 shape and good working
order.  Get out your hand lens and look with proper light and you will find
minor imperfections in the paint, but not much worse than what I've often
gotten right from the factory.  Still I hesitate to say "Mint Condition."
This has been my main station, and works very well.  Very clean from
non-smoking home.  The original boxes are in the attic.  Manuals are clean
and original.  (The only marks in the manual are notes as to color of mike
>560 Corsair       w/ 220 9 MHz IF filter  $550.00
>    282 0.25 filter for 6.3 MHz IF          50.00
>    285 0.50 filter for 6.3 MHz IF          50.00
>    288  1.8 filter for 6.3 MHz IF          50.00
>or the transceiver with all these filters  650.00
>                   263 remote VFO   
>                    w/ remote cable        150.00
>                   260 spkr/power supply   100.00
>Will take offers for the whole package or for any of the parts.
>K4CWQ has right of first refusal on the xcvr if I am unable to sell all as
a package.
>Paul Helbert       540 896-7107 after dark or email phelbert@rica.net

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