strange broadcast interference on C22 rig
Kevin Anderson
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 11:02:06 -0500 (CDT)
Hi, TenTec-knowledged folks. Been off the list for a few months,
but now am back with a question.
I've been getting strange interference (passthrough?) on my
Century 22 DC rig. The last couple of nights, in the 0000 to
0100 UTC time frame I've been hearing shortwave radios. One
night it was Radio Canada International (out of Sackville I
assume) while tuning across the entire 10 to 10500 Khz area.
Then last night it was Monitor Radio International (from WSHB
I assume) across much of the 7050 to 7150 range. One signal,
not sharp, but across the entire range. Last nights was actually
quite loud and interferred/masked reception.
Only thing I can figure it is coming through the PTO, which
tunes I believe from 6 to 6.5 Mhz on this rig. Given the
time of day, I assume grayline reception to give such a loud
signal to not be rejected. Why so broad across the spectrum
for one signal? I know both RCI and WSHB use powerful
The Century 22 is a DC receiver that uses a fixed crystal
(such as 13.5 Mhz on 40meters) in conjunction with the PTO
to get the LO. If I understand the schematic, it also is
using low-pass RF filters for each band.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Cheers/73. Kevin, KB9IUA
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Kevin L. Anderson Ph.D., CENCR-PD-W, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Rock Island District Office, Planning Division-Waterway Systems
Rock Island, Illinois 61204-2004, USA phone: (309) 794-5586
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Opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Federal Government.
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