Let's try again FS: Hercules II $700

Gregory J. Buhyoff buhyoff@vt.edu
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 09:13:28 +0600

Mint condition Hercules II, purchased spring 1995, ten mtr option installed,
factory re-aligned. Manual and original box.  Perfect cosmetic and operating

Priced now at $700  including UPS shipping

Call 540-231-5148 (work) weekdays.  Pleass leave a message if I am not
there.  I will return your call from home so it may be later in the afternoon.


Call 540-951-4097 or 540-961-6484 (Home) between 4 and 9PM EASTERN


E-mail  Buhyoff@vt.edu

Thanks and 73,

Greg  KN4FR

Gregory J. Buhyoff
Julian Cheatham Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Phone: 540-231-5148

E-mail: Buhyoff@vt.edu

FAX: 540-231-3698

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