TenTec 585 Paragon : Any mods ?

mbrand@banshee.bicos.de mbrand@banshee.bicos.de
Sun, 27 Oct 96 19:35:08 +0100

After discovering this great discussion list i wonder if there is anyone
who knows about any modifications for the Paragon 1 ?
This rig has been modified for use in europe here in germany (i.e.
schottky diodes on the bandswitch module and other changes i just cant
remember). But maybe there are some new perceptions to enhance the high
quality of this transceiver ?

Does anyone know the latest version of the firmware ? Mine has got V 3.6.

And has anybody got a schematic diagram of the 960 power supply and can
send me a copy ? I'm willing to send you a few $ for it...

Thanks for reading this...73,Michael 

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