585/562 Low Power Mods

Ten-Tec, Inc. 74130.212@CompuServe.COM
28 Oct 96 16:29:27 EST

Instructions for modifiying either the 585 Paragon I or 562 Omni V
for low power operation:

For the 585 Paragon I:
Replace R44 with 10K ohms on 2nd mixer board.  Reset ALC for 100 watts.
This mod gives a range of 100 watts down to approx. 2 watts.

For the 562 Omni V:
Change R46 to 10k ohms on 9 MHz xtal filter board.  Reset ALC for 100
watts.  Range of 100 watts down to less than 1 watt.  

73, Scott Robbins KY2P, Ten-Tec 

* TEN-TEC, Inc., Hwy 411 East, Sevierville, TN 37862      *
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