Paragon I Squelch ?

Uwe Strohbeck
Thu, 5 Sep 1996 10:34:56 +0200 (MET DST)

Hello Paragon I User,

I have a problem to use my squelch on my Paragon I. When I rotate the
squelch knob clockwise, i can reduce the noise level but the level of
modulation from the other stations are also reduced.
Have other P1 User the same effect ?
Maybe it is only a question of adjustment.  
Thanks a lot.

73 de Uwe, dl4sdx
Uwe Strohbeck..................Phone: +49 7191 564 15
Talstrasse 21....................Fax: +49 7131 594 202
71554 Weissach im Tal..........EMAIL: