[TenTec] Model 238 tuner
Reid W Simmons
Mon, 25 Aug 97 12:12:00 PDT
Thanks to all who replied to my request for information on the 238 tuner. The
response was much better than I expected.
Briefly, here is my scenario:
I had been using the MFJ "Differential T" tuner and a 160 foot dipole fed with
450 ohm balanced feeders for 160 - 6 meters when I lived in Michigan.
Out here (NW Oregon) I will be using a 200 foot random wire. The "ground
system" is about 2000 feet of #12 copper wire which I laid out in a radial
pattern in the yard just before the landscapers put down the sod. The
connection to the ground, however, is about 9 feet of 000 gauge copper wire.
The MFJ doesn't seem to have enough "coil" for the low end of 160; tunes "OK" on
80, 40, & 30; but on 20, 17, 12, & 10 the circuit breaker on the Ten Tec power
supply trips on any power higher than about 30 watts. Works fine into a dummy
I also have the Ten Tec "artificial ground" tuner which am going to try tonight
in case some RF may be getting back into the rig via the ground setup, or ground
My thought is that a configurable 'L' made with high quality components will do
a better job of matching a long random wire.... not to mention the fact that the
238 will look great next to my OMNI VI and power supply.
Thanks again and 73.
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