[TenTec] Omni 6 Upgrade

Peter A. Klein pklein@seattleu.edu
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 13:06:05 -0700 (PDT)

Just so everyone knows, Ten-Tec sent me my Option 1 upgrade and Omni 6
power supply via Parcel Post during the UPS strike.  I didn't even ask 
for this.  I had said that they could hold the power supply, but please
send me the upgrade chips via regular mail. 

They must have decided that the strike had gone on too long, and sent the
whole thing parcel post.  They did not charge me extra, though it did cost
more than UPS shipping would have.  The package arrived the day the
settlement was announced :-)  Thank you, Ten-Tec! 

Somebody (I forget who) said:

> >>There is one item that has been dropped from the menu - to my dismay.
> >>The ability to change the cw offset was great in the original. Now,
> >>it appears we must be satisfied with 670 Hz.

I got the Option 1 upgrade, and it works fine.  The ST (sidetone) button
has moved.  Option 1 people have to put an ST sticker on the old DIM
button at the upper right hand corner of the panel.

>>Now - the built-in keyer seems better, although I doubt that there was
>>any intentional change. Probably just a result of the new firmware.

It used to default to Curtis type A.  Now it defaults to Curtis type B. 
If you like to squeeze-key on characters that alternate dits and dahs,
type B is easier. 

--Peter (KD7MW)

Peter A. Klein  (pklein@seattleu.edu)  :    -----==3==      ---      ---
Network Administrator, LAN/WAN/Novell  :   |    |  |  |    |   |    |   |
Seattle University, 296-5569           :  @|   @| @| @|   @|  @|   @|  @|

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