[TenTec] Corsair filter questions??????????

Jack Kovar kovar@ia.net
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 17:20:50 -0600

	I have a Corsair 1
I understand it uses Six Pole filters " six crystals".
I am hunting for a 500hz CW filter, Number 285, I think.
No luck finding one so far.
Can a newer style 8 pole filter plug into same slot?
Any advantages/ disadvantages to this this concept, if even possible?
I have received a few trade offers for my 1.8 ssb filter" 6 pole"  for a
8 pole 500 hz filter.
My guess is that circuit design for 8 pole is different than 6 pole.
IE: more loss in 8 pole with sharper skirt response.
Possibly even impedance mismatch problems?
Anyone care to trade Brain cells on this idea?


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