[TenTec] FS: Ten-Tec items

w8ek@juno.com w8ek@juno.com
Tue, 2 Dec 1997 14:10:42 EST

For Sale:

Ten-Tec 405 amplifier	80 thru 10 meters
	5 watts of drive power will give 50 watts of output	
	power   - Made to go with an Argonaut	$ 225

Ten-Tec 214 microphone		$ 45

I still have some of the Ten-Tec enclosures available.  All are the
eggshell white / walnut woodgrain color.  Most of what I have left are
the smaller sizes.  Send e-mail if you have a size in mind, and I'll try
to come close.

Prices do NOT included shipping from NE Ohio.


Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-Mail to W8EK@QSL.net or KenMar.Ind@Juno.com
Voice phone (330) 499-7388

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