[TenTec] dual VFOs in OmniVII
Allan G. Taylor
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 09:43:20 -0800 (PST)
The recent trend in contesting is to use TWO completely separate xcvrs all under
computer control to do some parallel operating (while still only transmitting
on one xcvr at a time). The software is available and the BIG DOGS are using
it...think they call it dualing CQs or something when in that mode. One CQs on
one while copying the exchange on the other. Then visa versa... Sounds like a
3-ring circus to me, but then again that is what contesting is about, eh?
Scott, W4PA, was running dual OmniVIs and dual amps in his 97 CW SS effort. At
the current price of used gear, it would seem that one could use an OmniVI+
as the main rig and a OmniVI as the 'second' rig, stay with TT gear, and still
have the cost below that of a 1000D.
Just my .02 worth...
BTW: I have recently negotiated to purchase an OmniVI which is gg straight to
Sevierville for the Option 3 upgrade. Never another SS without a computer
Grant/K7GT k7gt@qsl.net
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