[TenTec] dual VFOs in OmniVII

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr@radio.org
Tue, 9 Dec 97 14:33:40 -0500

On 12/8/97 12:43 PM, Allan G. Taylor at ataylor@heracles.llnl.gov wrote:

>The recent trend in contesting is to use TWO completely separate xcvrs all 
>computer control to do some parallel operating (while still only 
>on one xcvr at a time). The software is available and the BIG DOGS are using
>it...think they call it dualing CQs or something when in that mode. One 
>CQs on
>one while copying the exchange on the other. Then visa versa... Sounds 
>like a 
>3-ring circus to me, but then again that is what contesting is about, eh? 

Actually, what you describe is not typically done. What usually happens 
is an operator will use a computer program or voice keyer to transmit a 
CQ on one rig, while tuning for stations on the other rig. During lulls 
in a CQ run, it is relatively easy to work stations on the second rig.

I've rarely heard of the second rig being pressed into service to CQ. The 
idea is to optimize the use of time spent CQing during periods of low 
rates. This essentially removes the decision to CQ or Search and Pounce 
(S & P). A Single-Operator 2 Radio (SO2R) station is essentially doing 
both all the time.

Just having the gear doesn't make you a super op. Being able to listen to 
different radios with each ear is a very complex skill. It takes lots of 

>the current price of used gear, it would seem that one could use an OmniVI+
>as the main rig and a OmniVI as the 'second' rig, stay with TT gear, and 
>still have the cost below that of a 1000D.

Many serious contesters are using the 1000MP, not the 1000D. Even so, 
having matching (or nearly so) rigs is a benefit.

I'm also thinking that you might get the same effect using an Omni VI(+) 
as your main rig, and something like the TenTec DSP ComputerRadio for the 
second receiver. It would take a clever piece of software to make all the 
switching happen, but it might remove some complaints from folks who 
assumpt that anyone with two rigs is transmitting with both all the 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@radio.org
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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