[TenTec] KR-40 keyer wiring diagram and/or manual
ralph h young
Sat, 13 Dec 1997 23:27:55 -0500
Hello - I am looking for a manual and/or wiring diagram for a TEN-TEC KR-40
Keyer. It still works ok but has developed a voltage between the case and
ground. I believe that the keyer was made in 1971. The story behind the
keyer - As a fairly new 17 year old Novice in 1971, my dad and I drove down
to TT (about 80 miles from here) and got a personal tour from K4FW? On
Christmas I found a brand new Kr-40 underneath the Christmas tree. My first
NEW piece of radio gear!
BTW - I just removed a model 218 1.8 KHZ SSB 9MHZ filter from my Omni V and
replaced it with a 500 KHZ RTTY filter. If anyone is interested in the
1.8KHZ filter - drop me a note at n4tg@tricon.net.
Also (I'm brand new to this reflector) - could some one tell me how the
"Narrow" filters work in the Omni 6 Plus? Does it provide 2 or 3 9MHZ if
Filters? COuld I have A 500khz rtty AND A 500 KHZ cw filter or even more?
Ralph N4TG
Kingsport, Tennessee
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