[TenTec] #253 Tuner

Jimmy D. Roller jdroller@tricon.net
Sat, 20 Dec 1997 07:55:01 -0500

I have owned and used the #253 Automatic Antenna Coupler for nearly 2
years now with an OMNI VI and the Hercules II amplifier. Absolutely no
problems at all; the box has never been opened.

I have a question. I do not normally turn over equipment frequently and
have never been a "horse trader" so I guess I'm a bit naive. I often see
equipment listed as being owned by a non-smoker. I am and have been a
smoker for more years than a lot of folks have been alive, so I am
curious. What, specifically, is the attraction of equipment owned by a
non-smoker? I know that I have blunted my senses of taste and smell, not
to mention many other more serious side effects, from years of smoking,
so I may be totally insensitive to the issue. However, I take great
pride in all things Ten-Tec, keeping all the boxes dusted and cleaned on
a regular basis. I know that the smoke deposits a brown film on
everthing over time, but I keep this at bay with regular cleaning with
Endust for Electronics cleaner. Not only does this product clean like a
bandit, it has a very pleasnat smell. So...what am I missing? I really
would like to know. I'm not being facetious or trying to stir up a
controversy, just curious.

Your comments would be appreciated but, please, no flames (pun
intended). I know all about my habit, it's bad effects on me and/or the
folks around me, my weak moral character, etc. It is my choice and my
life, thank you.

Vy 73, MX/HNY de Jim N4IR

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