[TenTec] 250HZ filter order update

TROY WIDEMAN troy_wideman@eee.org
Mon, 29 Dec 1997 14:19:24 -0800

 Hello all,
  I asked Tyler about including the 2.7 MHz filter for SSB ( that was suggested
on the reflector recently) in the order he is setting up for the 250Hz filter and
he graciously consented given that a consensus of the parameters could be
established (see his attached comments). If there is still interest, please
e-mail me the parameters which you feel are appropriate and I will consolidate
the responses, re-post the results for comment and then send the final specs
desired to Tyler. 73, Troy, W6HV

Tyler Barnett wrote:

> Hi Troy,
> Well I hadn't considered the SSB angle :-)  I'm CW-only, sorry to say.
> But sure, it sounds reasonable to me, and I'm sure that Tom at Tentec would
> entertain the idea again, and if it was all one big order, why not?
> Now, I'm kinda in the dark about spec'ing such a filter, like the lower and
> upper frequencies, and so forth.  Why don't you post an APB on the reflector
> about this, and if you want to, point the interested parties to my email
> address with their order requests.  I'll handle them both.
> But what I don't want are emails saying that they are comfortable with one
> aspect or another of the spec, but not all of it.  Ie, discontent :-)
> I'll just make another file here called "ssb_filter.order", and will put down
> calls and quantities.  But hammer out the specs first with everyone.
> Actually, you might find that handling this yourself might be better, and
> then forward the calls/quantites to me in time for the CW filter order to be
> placed.  That keeps me out of the loop on the filter parameter discussions.
> Be glad to help in any way I can.  Great radios, aren't they?
> Regards, Tyler N4TY

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