[TenTec] Re: SSB Filter

TROY WIDEMAN troy_wideman@eee.org
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 14:26:30 -0800

Update on potential order of a 2.7 KHz SSB filter:
 In order for Tyler to include an order for the 2.7 KHz filter, there will have to be
25-30 commitments. The filter specs would be : center frequency of 6.300 MHz and 6 db
bandwidth of 2700 Hz ( also, in order to get an additional filter for the 9.00150 MHz
center freq there would also need to be 25-30 commitments).
  If you wish to be included, please e-mail your name, call sign, and filter quantities
desired to me . I will consolidate the info and send to Tyler and then it will go to T-T
for ordering.
  As Tyler indicated, without 25-30 orders we'll have to drop the request.    73, Troy,

Tyler Barnett wrote:

> Troy, ok what I'd do is broadcast this info on the reflector and see if you can
> get 30 responses, which is the minimum filter order I think Tentec will take for
> something like this.  I know I'm about halfway there on the CW filter, and have a
> few aces left to play to get the required quantity.  Not bad for a week's effort so
> far.
> Guess what I'm trying to say is I'd be happy to front the order to Tentec for you all,
> but I need callsigns and quantities, and about 25-30 of them.   I don't have the
> bandwidth to drive both projects right now :-)  But let me know....
> Thanks, Tyler N4TY

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