Any suggestions for a camping power supply for Scout??

14 Feb 1997 11:26:16 -0600

You bet!

Golf Cart gel cells.  They run 12 vdc about 24 AH apiece, and turn up in
electronics surplus stores in NOS around here.  Also, turn down the Scout
power to 5 watts, and they will last a LOOONG time.

Smaller gel cells would also work at 5 watts.

Another idea is a Marine Deep Cycle 12 volt type battery, usually come with
carrying handles, and will run your station all weekend.

Not readily available yet, but the new 12 volt batteries for GM electric Vans
sold in CA this year, will carry you for days in a disaster.  They are a two
person job to carry, but are amazing.  In 24 hours of field Day SSB at 5
watts, we only sucked one down about 0.02 Volt DC!  They are not liquid
electrolyte, and they can be operated upside down or right side up.  They are
a "recombinant" technology.  Made in San Marcos TX!  I think the co. name is
Electrosonic.  One of our club hams has a daughter/engineer there, who loaned
us prototypes for last field day.

73, Stuart K5KVH

Stuart K5KVH

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